Monday, January 15, 2007

It is undeniable - I really do hate money.

I'm not joking.

After suffering my first losing session, I decided to only book winners - and I did, until today that is. After what seemed like an eternity of running bad and playing worse, I decided that I was going to win money anyway. Somehow, against the laws of nature, my plan succeeded. I was winning.

But you see, winning doesn't do it for me. There is no high from winning, after all, a person of such high intelligence, charisma and blatant sex appeal (I'm talking about me here) should do nothing but win, and so I must find alternative methods to amuse myself. I know! I'll lose - that should be fun!

Fast forward execution of the aforementioned and I'm playing 5-10 PL Badugi - a game I have never played...seriously. I have no idea what I'm doing.

End result: -2k

I couldn't be happier.

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