Monday, June 28, 2010

Just had the following sent to me by e-mail

This is an account of a night out with dudu, written by moose4life. It is posted here exactly the way it was sent to me, without any edits or changes of any kind.

I had absolutely NOTHING to do with the following:

"Dudu's- big adventure! All night dudu talked about getting a fricken rub and tug from an asian massage parlor.
Obviously being a savy and smart person...dudu google searches for good "rub and tug" joints on the strip.
The soon to be wasted dudu found someones post where they went to find a "good time" at one of these places,
but essentially they got placed in an awkward situation with nothing more than a set of blue balls and short 500+ dollars.
Well, after after dudu either busted the tournament---or got set over set in a 15k pot, dudu was on his quest.
Mission one: Bring jay along for safety and comfort in an embarrassing and drunken ordeal. Jay's Status- "Lets go
find hookers!!!" Jay soon fell asleep due to his vitamin depletion at about 7 pm. Objective- Fail
Mission two: Get wasted- Dudu's status: highly intoxicated at the weeeeee hours of the night. Objective: Success
Mission three: Find the "rub and tug" joint. Dudu's Status: drunk but aware enough to ask the cab driver to wait. Objective: complete
Mission four: Get the "rub and tug". Dudu flirts with the pretteist one in the place... whats going on in Dudu's
head "I am getting me a rubbbb and tuggggg baby. After "dealing" with the con artists, dudu gets teased in a room for
about 30 minutes ( sounding familiar yet?) After about $400-$500, the lady throws him out with a set of blue balls
and short money. Objective: Fail. (The kid on the internet did warn him, but dudu thinks he can run good everytime).
Mission five: Get out alive! A huge black guy now escorts the fairly sober dudu down a sketchy narrow back ally.
Dudu tells the guy... "dude, i just want to get the fuck out of here..." as dudu slowly backs away. Guy lets dudu pass
and dudu runs into the cab...gets back to the venetian and passes out. Objective: Mega fail!
Now the best part is how dudu described the situation in the morning... "i am so embarrassed..." that's all he could
say as he told Jay ( who had recovered with about 18 hours of sleep) and I the story... we were laughing so hard. What dudu did next
does not belong on this blog,
and i am sure the 4 readers arent even old enough to hear about his solo expedition into the bathroom with his
The next story is about dudu failign once again, nothing new...just reinstating the obvious. We will take this into a third person perspective.
Dudu and moose go to teph's house for some BBQing and to chill. Ratio- 4 guys: 3 Girls. Effective ratio for dudu- 1 Dudu: 1 Bangable girl. Dudu gets
wasted and we proceed to go to the casino. As moose, teph, dudu, and 2 girls enter the casino, dudu decides to takea stroll on the 2-3 foot ledge, over the six
foot wall, just outside of the 6 floor of the parking garage. Fall= death or vitamin depleted Jay pushing drunken dudu around for eternity in a wheelchair. The always
sober/super moose rescues dudu and death averted. Moose then gets hustled by dudu's girl. Bet: 30 minutes dudu gets thrown out of casino or off the table. Time of bet:11:00.
Wager:$50. Girl then escorts dudu around the casino for thirty minutes and moose loses. Hustled/owned. 11:40- Dudu throws a tip at the blackjack dealer and flips out on
johnny- the biggest douche ever. Dudu leaves table and dealer tells pit boss they arent allowed back.(moose would have won the bet). 2 hours later, dudu
drops 3,000+ in drunken blackjack. Dudu is hammered and moosey wants to go to bed. Moose gets dropped off at the rio, as the rest go to the strip. 4:00am dudu
falls asleep on the strip ( Literally on the strip), and teph throws him into a taxi. 4:20 am dudu puts girl in headlock as she refuses to enter tthe room...teph intervenes and
dudu fails again. GG.
too lazy to write more, or spell check..."

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Someone should really update this...

I can't remember half this trip but it was interesting....I think moose kept a diary so we'll let him guest blog.