Thursday, July 19, 2007

I'm Greedy


Yesterday's entry:

Just played all night to book a $1500 win. Sigh. Should have been like $2500 instead. Played B to B- all night. I am officially off my heater. I was on fire from July 3rd or whichever was the first day I played after my birthday until around the 17th. I ran very hot...I haven't run that hot in a long long time. In fact, I haven't had a loser since july 1st.

Today things went a different direction...flopping lots of draws and bricking all of them. Very swingy day...+1500, even, +1500, down $500, +1500 and I finally quit. I probably should have quit earlier but I'm so greedy I couldn't let myself walk away with a lousy $1500 day.

Games are great. The players are so bad it's laughable.

Kid insta calls off w/ khigh flush draw + 1 over for 150bb+ push on flop...I obv have flush draw and gutter and 4bet AI. Riv flushes out...clearly rigged.

I did steam for a little bit but I'm working on keeping it to a minimum.


Of course not booking a loser again for the entire month wasn't happening. -$1200 or so. But at least I feel some emotion right? I Fcking hate booking losers. Can't stand it...and today shouldn't have been one.

Started off dropping 7-800 then getting it back, then dropping 1500, then getting it back. Then finally after many many hours (and I have played a ridiculous amount of hours in the last few days) I was up like $500? hahaha. I am so greedy. Of course I can't stop at such a pathetic mark so I play more...except by this time I am so burned out I don't care enough to pay attention. Not to mention I am paying for running like a god for the first half of the month by running like god hates me now.

Flopping monster draws and bricking, people not pairing anything when I have it and of course picking bad spots to bluff.

Also running bad, for some reason or another, turns me into a hyper aggressive maniac (even more so than usual) so I end up giving money away. Makes me want to puke. I've been playing HU vs a bunch of weak tight players...they're so bad it's almost criminal to play them...but of course I can't dumb my game down enough so I end up bluffing of and then steaming because they won't put a penny into the pot without the nuts.

Playing vs weak tights is extreeeeeemely boring. It's profitable and nearly variance free but it's just so irritating. If you've read this blog, you know the only time I actually enjoy poker is when I play HU vs tough, creative, opponents that force me to think and adjust. Threeup and I agree that it's where I excel. Getting creative vs weak tight retards (which I obviously tend to do because of shear boredom) is just asking for disaster.

I dislike dumbing down my game but it's something I'd work on if there was reason. The truth is games will only be getting tougher in the future so it's probably something I won't soon need anyway.

It's kind of sick that I feel much more comfortable in tough games than easy ones...

Friday, July 06, 2007

This is the way we ball

One day reading Jay's hand histories for hours on end corrupted me and caused me to do retarded shit on the river just because it was aggressive. More recently though I finally figured out how to do it properly as well as a couple other things clicked and now I actually win money rather then wanting to kill myself because rakeback consisted of too large of a % of my income. I'm almost positive he had 9T in this hand though obviously had I known 100% he had 9T I wouldn't have pushed but I did figure it to be a large part of his range and thought I could get him off it a decent percentage of the time. Such a savage read.

Tonight I'm throwing a birthday party for a friend who's out of state. He won't be in attendance but I won't let a little detail like that stop me from throwing a party. The current ratio of chics who want my nuts compared to dude ratio is currently 2:1 so I might just not invite anymore dudes but we'll see.


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

My update is not objectionable

except to maybe Jay who's been whining like a little bitch about the fact I didn't call on his birthday. He's really taking his man crush on me to new and frightening, albiet slightly erotic, levels.

Why don't we update normally? I'm a slacker. I didn't even play poker last month I think after rakeback I made like 100 dollars. Ballin'

I could go back and recall all the good stories of the last month I accumulated since I left the house but I don't like our readers that much so I'm going to attempt to keep it as dull and poker related as possible though if I'm updating regularly I will try to remember to upload the next sex tape I make.

As for this month it's grindtime since I took last month off and my leatherass has been logging a lot of hours for even a real pro as opposed to a half-ass rakeback pro like myself. The results have been fantastic. I'm playing well and running better and well above pace to put up a five figure week which would put me well ahead of my monthly goal. If you're not playing on Bugsy's Club in the ring games you probably should be as they're probably the softest on the net. I'll get to something more interesting again eventually.


Sunday, July 01, 2007

And we're back!

Let the whining begin! I'll start:

Sorry for the lack of updates... poker players are just lazy by nature. And I've been busy...busy not caring.

This blog is for ME. ME ME ME. Not you. You're mad about the lack of updates? Hate me? Great. Write me an e-mail: Fcukmoney at

Now on to business.


If may was an awesome month, June was the complete opposite. I ran extremely bad on all sites and ended up actually busting my FTP (If any of you have money on ftp u want to trade, write me an e-mail ill buy it up) account while on the highest level of Jay tilt. 5 digits gone. Holla. I estimate that if I stop tilting, I'll be able to buy 6 figures worth of property/stocks/lapdances at the end of the year.

Anyway, somewhere mid-month I got borderline even...I'm not even sure how because I was basically losing every all in until about the 20th. Ahead, behind, it didn't matter. It was kind of sick actually, at some point it got so ridiculous that I was all in on 4 tables at the same time as a 3-1 or better favorite and lost them all. It was great. Then I just stopped caring...and playing. I did cash out enough to pay for 10 days of ballinnnn while not living at home, and a new bimmer. Of course this meant I was down on the month again.

Was MIA till the 29. 29th logged a good session, played well (B+), ran well. Booked a solid win. Played the following day, ran very badly, played B- to B poker. Minor steaming aside booked another solid win. Honestly, I have no idea how I pulled out a win, yet alone a good one, considering my HU opponents ran very well. AGAIN. Good thing I can read people's souls.

Games were juicy, 5figures over 2 days and I was up on the month going into July. This pleased me.

Today: Played 2200 hands. A nice 4k loss. Several coolers, some small beats, some steaming. Played C+ to B- all day. I haven't been able to play anything better than B+ recently because there's renovation going on at my place and everything is upside's like a war zone. My computer is set up in a very uncomfortable way and there's nothing I can do about it until I get a new table. Comfort is everything and the lack of it can really throw your game off. Or mine anyway.

Back to today. I ran horribly...very reminiscent to the beginning of the month. Plus people are making good calls vs me. That means I'm thinking a level ahead or a level behind. I'm pretty sure it's a level ahead. Another thing, they're not betting when checked to where it looks like a good spot to bet any 2. It's either that they're leveling me knowing I'm going to check call or they're retarded nits. Again, I'm pretty sure they're just retarded (based on how other streets are played) and am going with this theory until someone proves me otherwise. At which point, I will just not play them anymore.

So now I'm down this month. I hate poker.

Finally, WTF is up with the recent influx of ratholers at Merge? If there's one thing I hate more than shortstackers, it's hit and runners. And if there's one thing I hate more than hit and runners, it's ratholers. They're everywhere. I've been ratholed at least 5 times in the last 2 days. It's disheartening because there's a lack of games so it frustrates (end result: tilt) you to no end when you get stuck.

Furthermore, a repeated ratholer has taken a liking to me. She now stalks and min buys with the intention to rathole every time I'm on. And she won't matter how many times I have wished her death via cancer.

Non Poker

My friend bullitpete recommended a great uk movie - "The Business". Top flick, an easy 8/10. Like Scarface meets lock, stock, and two smoking barrels. Worth owning.

It's my birthday tomorrow. Shame it falls on a Monday and I can't celebrate properly. Will probably have a few close people over in the evening since my house currently looks like a disaster area and do something big on fri/sat. Pisses me off I celebrate my bday down for the month. Might have to play all night. ;)

Some terrible human left a comment on the previous post calling the content on my blog somewhat objectionable...this angers me to no end. I like to think of my blog as completely objectionable so this can only mean that the level of objection I provide is not up to par. In turn this means that stories from my personal life will be posted. Some of you will laugh, some will cry, some will never visit here again.

Who knows when I'll update next but one thing's for sure...when ever that update will most certainly be fully objectionable!