Thursday, May 28, 2009


Well I feel I am going underrolled out to Vegas, not over all roll just what I am taking, 10K will it last me? I hope so, I plan on playing 3 events.

Event 4 then there is another holdem and a 6max I want to play, or I may blow the 6max off and play a 2500$ Holdem instead since I imagine my 6max live could use some work with high antes and stuff being ridiculous I don't trust myself to have perfect timing for 3 days to win that. Where as I can kind of know my range on a 9 handed table for tourney play and expect more fish to be signed up for 9 handed tables.

Staying in the shitty ole Tropicana but I got 7 nights for like 340$ which is cool, despite it being the worst casino I could possibly be in.

Jay is bitching out, refusing to go pretty much because he is a prepubescant female who is afraid of being made fun of for the way he stacks his chips. He can barely stack up a 1-2 buyin (40 5$ chips) in his little nerd stacks of 10 because he has never won more than a few hundred bucks and doesn't realize that nerd stacks won't fit in your area on a good night very often.

There will be a few of the MTT players from .com out there, but not ring game players that I know of, though we don't talk really because none of us really talk to each other unless we are drunk (or if I am and forcing conversation via an online table because I... well, am drunk)

Since I haven't posted in a while, I guess I will brag about my last 8-10 days or so. I am on fucking fire. Just murdering when I really am not even playing all that much. I prob logged 50 hours over 8 days (which for poker standards is next to nothing at time) mostly 5-10 HU or 6max with some 2-4 and 3-6 (though I feel like I have booked losses in 2-4 and 3-6 during this time, or just barely running over) and would be willing to bet that I was running 20-25BB/100 hands profit. So I would say I logged 15K hands during the 8days and was up right at 30K for that span, which is elite. DaveGK one of those guys who helped... Fkin Davey....

So I'll be in Vegas for 8 days, and I will try to get an update in here, but no promises since I will probably be playing poker/drunk/or fighting with a prostitute on how much I owe her.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Grimstarring me is a bad idea if you're a HU reg!

So there's this dude who once stole my blinds a couple of times at a HU table and then sat out and said he didn't want to play of course as pay back I now sit at every one of his HU tables whenever I see him on...he sits out and keeps telling me to leave, that he'll report me, that I'm an know...the usual. It's moderately funny. I wonder how many people have reported me for constantly sitting at their HU tables non stop...

Anyhow... I was blocking at all his 2-4 & 3-6 tables so he went to 1-2 and I sat at those too. He eventually left but I had them open and was playing like 3 6max's and 1HU other than those.

So some guy sits down at my 1-2HU table and we start playing...and I'm not paying much attention but he's pretty aggro and 3bets quite a bit. Anyway one hand we played where I cr'd AI w/ AK into kings in a 3bet pot and sucked out. So I guess he was a little mad and was playing even more aggro. Anyhow he wins his buyin back and we keep going and then this happens:

Eff stacks were maybe around $250 or something

He opens OTB
I 3bet 27o
He calls
Flop comes like A2Xr
I cbet
He calls
Turn 7
I opt to check (loL, but bear w/ me)
he checks back
riv is Q no draws got there
so I bet like 89 into 105 or something along those lines
he then raises all in for like another 50 more.
I call so he can show me AQ and I can whine about how bad I play except he shows me 36cc for no pair. He then proceeds to chastise me about 3betting 27o for like the next 20minutes which I found ridiculously amusing.

Of course he ended up winning all his money back and some of mine so go figure.

A funny moment in time:

Last night I was driving home on a rather popular street and I guess I was driving a little too fast cause some dood who was standing next to a truck at a stop light, talking to someone inside it, started running away to the sidewalk as I was approaching the light. So I decide to be a nice guy and not even pull up all the way to the light, leaving room for this guy to talk to his friend.

They finish up and I creep up to the light. It goes green, and I normally drive off...which I guess normally for me is a little faster than most people. Anyway this dude in the truck keeps staying side by side motioning for me to roll down my window. Okay.

Turns out to be this huge rednecky looking guy who appears to be zooted out of his mind.

Redneck: "This truck got balls!"
Jay: [blank look]
Redneck: "You wanna race?"
Jay: "Nah, your truck's too heavy"
Redneck: "C'mon. Let's bet. This truck got balls!!!"
Jay: "How much?"
Redneck: "A bag of yayo"
Jay: "I don't need yayo."
Redneck: "Me either. You can give it to your friend or somethin'"
Jay: "How much money you got on you?"
Redneck pulls out a bunch of singles and fives and stuff and starts counting.
Jay: "Never mind. Alright, let's go."

So of course I don't even launch control and just blow him away from the light, dart between two cars and slow down cause I see a cop car waiting to make a U turn. A few moments later this fool comes barreling down past me in his enormous suburban. Yep, you guessed it...sirens and lights and pulling over to the side.

There goes that bag of yayo I was going to win.

Let this be a lesson to all you kids: Don't do drugs. Also don't buy huge suburbans and then try to race against sports cars designed for precision handling at high speeds.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The internet pokerz

Do you pricks see how much I love my readers? Count it, not one but TWO updates in one day!

So since I've talked about playing like a retard at teh live's some online retardation for you:

I'm so freaking tired I don't know why I decided to play instead of doing more favorable sleeping. Anyway, being tired my brain is barely working. This is what you get when you go to lift and do back for an hour, then go to a hardcore muay thai workout for two hours and polish it off by drinking till 8 am and challenging people to quarter flips. Welcome to my life.

Anyway, since my brain is done for, I just played like a passive fishbag, misplaying some hands and costing myself value. Oh wells.

Then I lost some flips and gout 3 outed. Oh wells.

Played 2 sort of interesting hands:


Villain: Random card runner subscriber - this is my new name for mediocre players who watch videos from mediocre instructors or never grasp concepts from the good ones yet still try to pull off deep moves without understanding them. What does this mean? They suck. On to the debauchery!

Effective 400ish
I open X,X in SB.
BB calls
std cbet he pops me, yeah. this will work. I repop him. he tanks and calls.
Turn Kd
I ship about the pot +/- 10%
He insta calls and rolls over K5hh
Sure. Soul read. Qhigh no good.


700ish effective

Random card runners subscriber open limps OTB
I check my option
I check call his $4
Turn Jd
I check call another $12 holding a small diamond
River Qc
I check, he bets $40
I tank and make it $115 to go
He tanks and makes it $235 total
I tank and obv ship it in for $587 more
He snap calls with 5 high and we pay the rake

Soul read again! How can I suck so much? Is there no end to my sucking?

On the brighter side of things, the J1's are coming soon. For those of you who don't know, a J1 is a student work visa that many young foriegn ladies use to travel to the us for summer employment. Many of these ladies choose to make NYC their temporary home and it is here where they search for a financially secure gentleman who will make them his wife and thus help secure a green card and relief from potential deportation.

Most of these bimbos come from small poverty stricken cities in Europe and will do pretty much anything for even the vague illusion that someone may wed them to secure that almighty U.S. citizenship. And, coincidentally, I know just the sexual deviant to take full advantage of these desperate women!

Open the flood gates, I'm ordering another 100 piece sampler from condomania!


Drunk pokers

I'm such a tard when I get drunks and play teh live pokers. I start check calling flops and turns and check raising the river with any 2 cards. Do you know how often that works in live poker? 0%

Plus I run around like a retard and tell people I will flip them for all the money that's in my pocket...which is usually a couple of G's. I pretty much will flip them for it but they usually back down and there's just something amusing about trash talking poker players backing down from a 6-8k coin flip.

Then I start slurring my words and tell people how good I am at poker and how I play onlinez and will play any of them heads up. They just tell me that I'm a "good player" and decline any heads up shennenigans or stop speaking to me but only after they ask for my stars & fulltilt names.

Then we start penis measuring by name dropping who we know or don't know in the poker world. I tell people I know duduweewee, they tell me they know guys like [insert some inept jackass who got 15 minutes of fame on espn when he won a seat to the main event in his home game and who's name no one even remembers]. Oh, and ivey. They all know ivey. Ivey's their fcuking best friend. They've played with him on X/XX/XXXX (usually it's when he was still living in jersey so it's like 1865). Funny how they remember playing with ivey in some 15-30 stud game 150 years ago and that he wore a red hat and a black shirt and blue jeans. And that he had a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich for breakfast and brushed his teeth starting from the left side first and of course that he is "a good player". Actually, it's not's tragic.

Of course, not to be out done I start telling people that I used to play in 5-10 games with durrrrrrrrrrrrr way back. See? I'm cool too. "Oh, durrrrrr? Yeah I saw him on HSP. He's a good player". Of course! Then they give me this serious face and what I have dubbed the 'nod of approval' know that little up and down head shake as if I'm asking for permission to join their exclsuive ahole club. Little do they know I'm the mfking president of the ahole club!

One day I'm going to run into someone who's good at heads up who will bust me or someone who's good at fighting who will just beat me up once I get outside.

I can't wait.

All this after 2 vodka shots, 2 tequila shots, 1 cognac, 4 or 5 whiskeys and 3 heinikens. My alchohol tolerance has turned into that of a little girls. I blame 3up. He told me I am an alchoholic and I should cut down. So I did. This is what happens. I'm still drunk at 4pm and I just woke up.

Live poker: A life time of memories and -$450 cause I'm too drunk to fold on pair'd boards when it's obvious the guy has me beat. Almost folded. Pretty sure I'd have folded if I was sober but meh... whatever I've done waaaaaaaaay worse.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A win? The hell you say.

I guess hell must have frozen over because I actually won $$ yesterday/today.

Played 2 seperate marathon sessions.

Session 1: Was down like 5k early, then up 3, then broke even. Meh.

Several hours later...

Session 2: Finally ran good for a change, +7k or something along those lines. See what happens when I win some flips and don't get 3 outed?

Play: I can't really assign a letter grade since it fluctuated from really bad to bad to borderline break even. I'm still not happy w/ it. Definitely played better session 2 than 1 but I didn't play as well as I'd have liked anyway. I'm way out of practice 6-7 tabling w/ like 3 heads up games and such.

I'm sure a few interesting hands were played but I played so many hands, I don't remember any of them. I've learned everyone likes to look me up 3 streets with bottom pair, so that's cool. Also, people put themselves in terrible spots oop vs me. Also cool. Now if only I can turn some scare cards that don't complete villians' hands.

I wrote several far more interesting blog DRAFTS which I've yet to finish so I'll probably combine them into one post later.

At the moment I'm trying to get a party house in the hamptons. Ballinnnn


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Boyyyy ohhhh boyyyyyy

Jay, DaveGK was dead. He came scrambling along with 200$ playing tighter than I have ever seen him (prob a 200$ deposit roughly) and he tripled and ran off. So he was dead, he gambled and is back in black for a few days prob.

About that RC plane I bought. Fuck me....

So I bought a 300$ plane delivered.

It comes in the mail, no remote OR MOTOR so I go to the store, drop 700$ on the motor (which I almost spelled moter) and the remote and the "servos"

Well ok so now I am in for 1K on this fucking thing. So I do the flight simulator they have, and I suck so I buy another plane for 250$ to dick around with, I shit you not I had that son of a bitch in flight for 6 seconds before I hit a powerline (yea I know don't fly around powerlines) well I have a road and a runway leading into a large field by the house I reside in and I didn't quite make it. So now I am 1300$ deep in flying these fucking money pits and I haven't even flown yet OR ASSEMBLED THIS FUCKING MONSTER I BOUGHT. The other one will be bad ass when it's done, has a 71" wingspan and a 22CC motor (125? for RC planes) but turned out roughly a 22CC motor which is pretty stout for an RC plane I guess.

I haven't been playing poker hardly and when I do I am drunk usually and losing and I am hating it blah blah I played live and got bored and snapped for 1500$ on a 2-5 game, all in one hand where the guy literally checkraises his AA for like 1400$ (yea I knew he had AA/KK I wont run the hand) but I flopped top pair told him I was going to suck out and I didn't and I hate poker for now.

I wanna win the powerball!

Seriously this blog URL says it all

FUCK MONEY, I just piss anything I make away and it seems to be a never ending cycle.

When will I learn?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Brief poker update, or rather more whining.

I've been playing badly. Really badly. Like I don't remember when I've played this bad badly. If you know me, then you know I pretty accurately describe how I've been playing after any given session....and well I've been awful.

But no matter how bad I've played, I've ran far far worse. Playing as badly as I have, I should have broken even/slight winner as opposed to taking losses.

If I get it in way ahead, I either chop or lose. I fall short on the coin flips, and I haven't sucked out when I've been behind.

Also I was 1 outed again. Weeeeeee. This makes 2x in what? like 2 weeks?

Not to mention the 3 outer after 3 outer. Bleh.

Oh and dudu, as for your friend DaveGK...he's not dead or busto...I've been boosting his roll because Aces can't hold vs flush draws.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Ohhh DaveGK Where Art Thou?

Anyone seen him? I haven't he went broke before May as I told him April 30th was the last time I have seen him. Poor fella had a hell of a ride atleast. Some good times, some bad times and hes gone.

New on the hitlist- NoShoke- guy won't play me ever, won't play me, won't play me. So I run him off a 6max and get a fish, Shoke comes back I stack off to shoke twice nearly drawing dead. And he binks a couple other cards on me (I binked a nice one to double through him once also) regardless I lost 3500 to him while Jay is beating him up on another 6mx HU so Jay busted him and this happens..

Shoke has 5500 on my table, and 0 on Jays..... This son of a bitch is killing me! I am tilty! Jay is playin solid and Shoke is paying for it.

So here let us all pretend we are Shoke for a second.

Ok I am beating DADuhWEEwah right now pretty easily cause he is tilty and not running well.
JayNYC is beating me up running well and I am running poorly.

Ok So I don't have enough to reload into JayNYCs table unless I leave the table I am cleaning house at.

Ok I am going to play JayNYC and watch some gay porn I guess.

Fuck you Jay. Though I go make food and Jay tries to give him to me and Jay sits out Shoke runs off and that was that.

Closes my table so he could reload and give Jay some more... blah

My hockey team is on a 3 game winning streak. WE MIGHT MAKE THE PLAYOFFS!

I bought a 300$ RC Airplane online when I was bored

Along with a 300$ pair of shades and some other shit I probably don't need.

Dead owls don't give a hoot

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Unexpected blog post!

Well, I wasn't planning to write a blog but this just has to be said...

What the fuck is wrong with TV? Why is it that every good show, once it becomes popular, has to be absolutely butchered until it goes from being fantastic to absolutely awful?

Will someone please tell me why the fuck the new season of Rescue Me sucks so freaking much? It's unwatchable. Every week I download the new torrent expecting to see the brilliance of the previous 4 seasons and every god damn week I am disappointed more than the previous.

This was the only show I liked since entourage has become such a flaming pile of piss...

Holy shit I am fucking pissed. Fuck you Dennis Leary, how the fuck could you have let this happen? Asshole.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

I am quitting drinking......

Yes I am doing it, I am sick of stumbling to my computer drunk at 3 AM and losing 2-15K every fucking time. Last nights was 5K and that is the last fucking straw. I have to quit drinking until I get a breathelizer on my computer. Which still allows me to look at porn, but not log into my poker sites. Until this is made I am done drinking!