Monday, January 15, 2007

The Contributors and what can be expected

Before I forget, let me introduce the other clearly mentally disturbed people that will be part of this blog:

VoxGibson - Or as he's known around most poker sites, "The worst player in the world". Vox owns a bar and a transmission/transvestite shop or something...the truth is no one really knows what he owns. Vox resides in Alaska and when sober can be found grinding microstakes online. When not so sober, he's usually found half passed out with a mountain of chips at midstake live games. Either way, he sucks.

Threeupthreedown - or as he's known by his stripper name "Diamond". When not selling his body to middle aged women in Michigan, Mr.Diamond can be found playing mid stakes NoLimit Hold'em games and horse tournaments across various online sites. In fact, he's so good that he's been considering turning in the baby oil for a third monitor and going e-pro. Clearly, he's not sane.

Cadderly - The fat Danish. What else can be said? He's fat and he's from Denmark - I think it's rather self explanatory. I think he plays some ancient form of poker...Limit Hold'em or some such none sense.


What you can expect from this blog:

Most of us use poker for either primary or supplementary income (except Vox, he just buys video games) so the majority of this blog will be about Poker pitfalls and how not to get sucked into the life of professional everything poker and gambling related plus some occasionally movie and product reviews.

Maybe we can also get ThreeUp to talk about his life as a woman's wet dream and how he gets home covered with lipstick and bruises.

One can only hope.

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