Monday, January 15, 2007

2007 is over!

Well not officially, but the seahawks loss feels like the final nail in the coffin... I blame myself, had i not lost coach holgrem's cell number on a Friday night drunken stooper at the bar up the road. I may have lost it when i got distracted asking these twins if they could tell each other apart. Anyway, had I the number I would have called him to sort out the details of an excellent strategy that would have given them the "w" and like usual he'd put me on the speaker phone during half time to give the team a pep talk... Knowing he needed me, and not having the number i resorted to shouting at the television, and using my psychic powers (that only appear during football games)... but to no avail my voice could not be heard. Congratulations Chicago, I take back every compliment i ever gave Ditka, Payton, or The Fridge.

Poker has been equally detrimental to my Psyche. I've decided that there are two kinds of players, ones who take bad beats and ones who give bad beats. Hence I've decided that from now on if all my money's going into the pot, I want to be behind in the hand, that way, when i lose, its my own damn fault. A buddy of mine once said something brilliant that summed up poker in all its majestic glory... I really wish i remember what he had said


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