Friday, January 23, 2009

They play so so bad, I run so much worse.

This is a recap of my 4th or 5th session on the year played about week and a half ago or so? I don't recall but I haven't played since.


Results first, whining later:

-12k...which puts me at about -8k or so on the year. Fantastic.

Best part: I played reasonably well! I mean, aside from like 2 significant hands. By significant I mean big pots, because lets face it who pays attention to small pots? And frankly, when's the last time you've heard me say that I played reasonably well? That comes around like twice a year.

Lets get to the whining:

They are abysmallllll!!111 sdjkghfdsaj~

I mean, in comparison with how much harder the games are everywhere with what they were last year, the games I played were fantastic. And they were mostly regulars.

I remember playing some dood @ 3-6 who defended w/ T6o in a 3bet pot and 2 paired on the riv and flat called when i bet pot for value. Yeah.

Same dude defends pf 3bet again, calls shove on 3bet flop of 737r. ROlls over T7o. Solid. I ended up handing him over like 3 buyins.

He sucks. I wonder what his name was so I can play him again. Oh well.

5-10: Played an old regular, semi-donk who likes to 3bet HU. K. Dude calls off w/ J3 on 5J84. Im way ahead. Here comes the river. I'm way behind. What does he do right after? He quits!

5-10 Same guy. I 4bet TT pf, 3 or 4 handed, he shoves. I tilt call. Okay, yes I tilt called but it wasn't horrible. Probably marginal, considering this dude a retard and I'm almost never way ahead, sometimes flipping and mostly behind. Calling off w/ TT there was prob -EV given the range he could have in that spot given how he was playing but its not so brutally awful that I'm going to beat myself up over it.

Played some other dude 5-10 HU who ran AQ into my AK and picked up a 300BB pot. Couple of short stacks sucked out or doubled up being ahead, whatever irrelevant. I couldn't win ahead or behind. So i'm annoyed now.


More regulars who are pretty bad: One plays me HU, wins 50-60bb's and quits cause he no longer wants to play me HU. Great. Another regular who's even worse joins us half stacking. Great.

More 10-20, the worse of the 2 regulars doubled up to full stack, don't remember if at my expense or not. Generally a weak, pathetic player. First reg quits. I'm furious. Why are donks running away? There are no games! When donks leave and there are no games, jay gets upset.

2nd reg and I continue HU: dude 3bets me pf, i 4bet with 100bb effective. He opts to flat call. lol. Axx he open shoves. I hold an ace. I am on idiot tilt. I call off. He has ATo and doesn't realize how insanely good value shoving that was because he's bad at poker. I don't deserve to make 2 pair and he scoops, then instaleaves. Notice a trend? Only hand I actually regret.

Okay so now games are dead. 10-20 donk #1 goes to play another semi donk @ 25-50, who's leaps and bounds above him. I'm stuck like 7k. I'm annoyed. I promise myself I wasn't going to deal with 25-50 swings. I lied. I sit both 3handed with them and HU with 25-50 guy.

First hand I open button, he 3bets me. I donk call. Flop 2nd pair and lose the minimum. 2nd hand he open folds. 3rd hand I open button, he 3bets me from bb. I donk shove KK for 4xxx cause he's calling me oh so litttttttte. Surprisingly he flips over AK, Ace hits the flop, somehow I don't river the case king and session over.

I've been running so so bad.

GG 12k, we hardly knew you.

In live poker related news the place I've mentioned before, the one that charges rake AND time, amuses me to no end. They've been sending advertising msgs like: "Come to tonights game and be the first to do our new waitress" or "Come for todays $30 tournament and get free buyin to 1-2NL cash game if you bust out", "5-5NL going, monster stacks, big donk on tilt".


Non poker:

At the recommendation of some fellow WWII buffs I finally watched Der Untergang, also known as The Downfall:

While I enjoyed it and it was an alright movie, it's not the masterpiece people make it out to be. Definitely worth watching if you're into WWII but give me Band of Brothers any day.

I watched some other crap Impulse or something...don't ask...I just get movies that are thrillers because I hope to stumble onto something good. It's rare but it happens. This was an utter POS but Willa Ford gets naked in it so I recommend watching it with the volume set to mute.

That's all for now. I hate you all. Dudu sucks at poker.


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