So I decided to donk around on ftp considering pdc is loving me rectally at the moment. Plus why not play in the toughest games on the net? Things went some much better! Not really.
200bb deep:
Dude open limps OTB. I bump from BB w/ AK, he 3bets me. lol? I donk shove for 2 stacks. He snap calls w/ KJhh. Nice? I thought so. Jack hits the flop, there are no aces in the deck for me. Germans are smart. He immediately leaves.
Then a bunch of coolers. Heads up, I open OTB, we both check flop. Turn gives us both 2 pair. Mine being worse. He quits. Bleh.
Blind vs blind: dood calls 3bet from SB w A5dd. Flops wheel and flush draw. Check calls the flop. We both turn flush, i ship him a stack.
Dude opens OTB, gets 3bet from bb, calls. Flop Q45 fdraw. He flats a cbet. Turn 3. Check check, River J, giving me top 2. I shove. He calls w/ a wheel. Weeeeee~
One other I can't remember where I got cool'd for a stack.
I have no idea how I broke even. Oh well, not like I need money or anything as long as I keep getting those super valuable ftp points! Just six more months of daily playing and I'll be able to get one of those cool FTP jerseys...which will certainly come in handy for keeping warm when I can't pay my bills and am out freezing in the streets. Thank you poker!
Good thing Obama got elected. I love socialism! Redistribute some of that wealth my way, sir. And don't forget the free health care and public housing!
On a brighter note, games were relatively good for ftp standards. Beatable for a decent rate as each table I was at had at least 1 donk (by todays standard anyway), some 2. Albeit at least 1 to 2 decent/good players as well. Not semi donks but thinking/range meshing type.
Overall play: B+, A- prob.
Same day FTP session 2
Pretty much more of the same.
AK vs AQ for a buyin, dude flops the nut flush. Pffft. Not even a sweat. But who cares, this hand will accurately summarize how I'm running:
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Hero [Th Jc]
infensus1 folds
Ubermansch folds
Villain raises to $14
Hero calls $10
*** FLOP *** [7c 2s 4h]
Villain checks
Hero bets $20
Villian calls $20
*** TURN *** [7c 2s 4h] [8s]
Villain checks
Hero bets $42
Villain raises to $100
Hero raises to $529.20, and is all in
Villain calls $285, and is all in
Hero shows [Th Jc]
Villain shows [9c Tc]
Of course he rolls off a Jack on the river to scoop.
I can tell this is going to be an exciting year! Props bets on when I'm busto? Anyone?
On a lighter note, how funny is it that the dang brothers are literally stalking Gus Hansen at his own Omaha table? Poor Gus.
Overall play: B+
There is a session 3 from the same day, which was downright insane which I'll write up later.
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