Tuesday, January 20, 2009

NFC Championship Game Was SWEET

Well, first NFL game ever. Sadly was not a Cowboys game... But it was a whole lot of fun the atmosphere was electric (surprisingly considering you would assume Arizona has no deep fan base, but the wait was worth it for them I suppose) A lot of Eagles fans there too, piss all over the Eagles and their fans. Several of them getting arrested and fighting people celebrating after the game. Burn in hell Philadelphia Eagles! I actually think that the Cardinals can possibly handle the Steelers in the Super Bowl also. I just don't see how anyone can hold them under 24 points and I do not see the Steelers winning any games that are a shootout. So I am going to lay some money down on the Cards to cover the spread, wait a few days see what it turns to was 6.5 pts now it is 7 I believe.

Have not been playing all that much, just spending money need to cut it out and get back on track. Maybe I get lucky and somehow get a piece of the Bad Beat Jackpot on Carbon Poker/PDC Poker which is just a hair away from being 1,000,000$ Hopefully it does not pop off on a 1$ 2$ Limit table and just turn into several hundred thousand dollars out of circulation since limit players rarely seem to want to get froggy in the NL games. Just hoping someone who puts the hours in is on the table when it happens. Supposedly 1,000,000$ is a new record for BBJ online? But I thought there was one on AP or UB for 1.4 mil or something like that.

I have never won a live seat package (vomit at how many times I have been close on several sites), never placed first or top 3 for that matter in a major tourney though having a couple chances at 50-100K scores, never hit a bad beat jackpot and never have won anythign in my life that was absurdly free and 100% luck and could be life changing (for the good or the bad :)

Shpank I suck at blogging and never have anything worth reading lately.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

post about the donks u play against on .com, specifically the cahtty 5,10 players taking a risk and talkin like the pwn the games