Wednesday, January 14, 2009

09 sessions + Comment answers.

So I've played 3 sessions in 09 that ended up like this:

Session 1: Played great, broke even.
Session 2: Played horrible, lost 6k.
Session 3: Played average at best, won 8k.

Meanwhile....dudu plays like trash every time and keeps putting up big numbers. Fair? I think not!

Runnin' cold.

As for you pick it, I write about guys didn't disappoint. All of your comments sucked as expected. Might as well give some short and borderline helpful advice about HU SNG play with retardo blinds:

Play nearly every hand in the earlier level, hope to win coin flip towards end. Abuse BTN... taking down general flop textures (K85r) significantly easier IPS and extremely important to chip up enough where u can lose a flip later rounds and still be in it.

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