Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Had To End Sometime.....

Well, I crossed the 300K CP mark, which is goot. What is bad about that is I got stuck for about 2800$ today, and about 1000$ on Monday (yesterday) so this means my streak of winning days is over. I don't think I had a negative day all month til these 2, kinda pissed about it. Running insanely cold. Does not matter what I do I am just behind by 5th st, so I resorted to making plays on 5-10 and got away with 2, got caught on one and I know he was bluffing me back and I would have called him with Q high on a double paired board (KK10102) But my 76 did not have much prayer to an all in bet.

Hopefully can knock out the last 200K CP and turn back that 4K from the last couple days and I will be good to go and have a massive month for my standards.

I bought a new ipod.

I bought a new LCD TV, found a 42" LG for under 700$ DLVD so could not turn it down.

I spent 2200$ on a bedroom set but it is baller and was like 4000-5500$ on other sites.

I spent 120$ on "novelty t-shirts" because I was bored.

I spent 400$ on amazon on random shit

And I need a bad ass computer and going to buy one sometime this week, suggestions in comment box plz, I am lacking knowledge of what I want to run poker sites smoothly.

I spend too much money when tables are hard to get going....... I need a ban

I am thinking about buying a star to have it named after me.

Ummmmmmmmmmmm about all my delerious mind will spit out right now. I am tired and going to sleep, I will prob wake up at 5 AM and find no games running and wind up dropping more than I can make on amazon or something.

May all your hands be live and all your flops be monsters!



goooooood girl said...

i like your blog......

Anonymous said...

buy cheap, delete vista and boot xp with upgrades, and that pin up chick was hot in the 80's

Anonymous said...

I bought expensive still have vista without upgrades nor have I installed the spyware/antivirus the guy gave me and this computer will be shit in 6 months. Though I plan on downloading practically nothing onto it. Suggestions would have been specific model I would have to do nothing to :)

Anonymous said...

is money an issue?

Anonymous said...

should be by I fail to understand that at this point in my life... make spend make spend make spend make spend, save nowhere in the cycle just yet... and no I am not proud of this :)