Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Spelling Test Today! :(

So today we had a spelling test, it went good I got 23 of 25 right. I missed one I should have gotten, SepArate! So silly of me.

So when I got home I told my father, who is a lush about how well the test went. His eyes running down the paper noticing the world I missed so recklessly, and his grin went to a cold icy face. Then all of a sudden a tear fell out of his eye, it was at this time I had come to conclusion he was drunk, but maybe he was not? He fell to his knees and started to weep, staring at the word "separate".

Then as quickly as he had shiften into weeping he became furious! Crumpled my test up and threw it at me, this threw me into the wall when it made contact with me. I picked myself off the floor and tried to run, but he grabbed a hold of me by my shirt collar and took me down. He beat me profusely until I said "uncle". Laughing like a drunken fool he finally wore himself out and fell asleep watching Malcom In The Middle in the living room.

So now it is almost bed time, I am not allowed to watch TV after 7 O'Clock as you already know my silly willy private blog that noone knows about :) I <3 U

I will be asleep having wetdreams about the JC Penneys Womens Jeans Catalog that came in the mail last week, talk to you tomorrow blog!


Anonymous said...

Sonny, you still need a punctuation class, for your run on and incomplete sentences could be resolved with such. :p

Anonymous said...

I love the JC Pennys women's jeans catalog.

Anonymous said...

I <3 runon sentences... english always been my worst area in school, i wont lie

this post is absolutely retarded, im embarassed having posted it, and I may post something legitimate in a while