Tuesday, March 20, 2007

lil donkaments

First off wtf is lil? I can't come up with something it stands for so I'm guessing it's more leetspeak that can get destroyed by the masses. (Sup Jay) Also pwn is still pronunced own jackasses, Everytime I hear some bitch say powned I want to slap them. That said I felt lil is approriate when addressing tournaments because I fcuking hate them as well. So what did I do today? Well a nice relaxing days away from grinding on the tables because I think I'll boot up some tournies for the day.

So Let's Breakdown How Bad I Suck:


10+1 PLO - WTF?? Why did I join this? The prizepool is barely over a grand so I decide I'd rather stare @ my genitials for a bit instead. Instadonkdown.

50+5 NLHE - Started off pretty standard not doing much playing a little LAG early on but not getting involved still. Fast forward a little bit I c/r all-in with an OESD he calls with an overpair which was also 2 of my outs. I spike, he gets pissed, bad play is rewarded again, I buckle down. Fast forward a little more I start playing very well and getting involved in tons of pots. I'm constantly flipping shortstacks getting insane pot odds and winnings more then I'm losing while never putting a significant portion of my stack in jeopardy. I'm stealing left and right and flipping a lot and gaining a lot of chips without making any big hands. We're approaching the money and I'm about 30ish of 110 (90 pay). We make the money, I make a few hands and get near the chip lead continuing to do the same thing. Pow! We had started with 798 and now we're down to 9. As much as I hate tournies I do final table them like it's my job!?! A lot of swings prior to coming I had lost a couple hands and am now in 5th going into the final table.

People are getting KOd much slower then I would like as I was hoping to move up a couple spots before I was forced to gamble. Life's tough I still raise dueces UTG 8 handed after folding for a couple rounds. Yeah, I'm that donktastic and still better then you. Shortstack has AQ and just calls flop KJx so I push because that's an A+ flop for dueces. He calls and hits I am again crippled by two overs and a gutshot as it is the reason I am in 5th instead of 1st. Lots of up and downs people are dropping surprisngly slow based on how much action had gone on in the first round @ the final table. I make some hands but more importantly am playing excellent. Go through a stretch were I'm stealing a lot only to lose them in the races. Shit evens out and I get a big chiplead. I only expand on it until we get 3 handed. I raise A6o on the button and the SB who has shown some streaks of aggressiveness but has been largely passive pushes all-in. I don't remember the exact #s but had decided it was insanely marginal either way and made the fold. Couple rounds later I again make the same raise with 78s and he pushes in again. He pushed in with strength and based on my willingness to call I should have again laid this down but instead I called like a jackass. I regret this play almost as much as my OESD from earlier. He shows 88 I flop the OESD but come up short and he's back in it. We end up getting HU and he has about a 5:3 chip lead but I feel confident. Blinds 10k/20k he raises to 80k and I have A2s. I make it 160k. This was a mistake. I thought he had made it 60k and debated just pushing but decided I was just a tad bit too deep to make that play. Had I seen it was 80k I would have pushed. He toiled and called. Flop came AQQ and I checked since I'm obviously commited to this hand and if he has me I figure it's with a weak Ace so the odds are we're chopping up anyways and hopefully if he has a small pair he'll stab @ it anyways. In hindsight, I could have probably got Ax off by leading out and had considered it but had hoped to get a small pair to bet a few more chips because I'm a jackass. He bets and I push though his bet basically set me in anyways. He rolls A6 turn and river are 2 and 3 respectively and I lose 4k to a 6 kicker. Those are the 3 hands I regret how I played and have nothing to do with the results. For my lackluster performance I get to add another $5,413 to the coffers @ the cost of hating myself the rest of the day.

50+5R NLHE - I hate rebuys as accordingly they are much more expensive then the base price and for whatever reason I've never liked that. I also just don't have a good grasp of the strategy & can't afford to try to learn the start open pushing early on to get a lot of chips in play @ your table strategy that a lot of the really good players use. Being as these same players make the rebuys some of the toughest regular fields on the net from what I've heard (specifically the 100Rs) there's obviously something to it. That said all the extra chips in play do add a lot more play after the rebuy period ends which I am in favor of.

I started off rebuying so I started with 3000 and then did much of nothing for some time. Eventually I made a couple of sizable bluffs which I was almost positive would work and with really no risk since I could rebuy and caught a couple hands right before break putting me to a little above 7000 chips and then adding-on for 2 more. This had me in pretty good chip position and I was quite happy especially since my table had no one open shoving from the start and was infact pretty nitty. I had opened up Annette_15s table @ the beginning since she's apparently been tearing it up to see how she plays and 3 people were all-in the first hand and a lot of chips got into play. I was about 40th of 200ish players left @ the break so all things considered I was loving my position.

Almost immediately after the break however I got AA in the SB and UTG+1 made a raise and got a caller followed by an all-in from a shortstack. I pushed in to isolate and was against 77 for about a 7k-8k pot if memory serves me correctly but he spiked on a 7 on the river. This did not leave me in such a great position with only about 6k left but I certainly was not out of it but a hand or two later I picked up 44 and called a raise in position. I flopped midset on a flushdraw board and I got check minraised by the PFR. I figured I might scare him away by pushing and decided to get it on the turn regardless of what came off and he would surely lead any turn though he could have a decent range it certainly wasn't air. Turn came a K which didn't complete the flush and he lead out I moved in he called and rolled KK. GG me. Played fantastic and went donkdown early. Tournies are cruel.

100+9 PLO8 - I honestly have no business in this game. I suck @ PLO8 and I especially suck @ PLO8 tournies. Long story short PBDrunks made a big rebluff @ me which I couldn't call. I then got myself stuck in a bad situation with a shitty hand I couldn't fold. PBDrunks owns me. Respect to his game. I'm donkdown almost instantly. I need to stop playing these.

30+3 HORSE - Not going to cover a lot since it was a 30 dollar 48 player tournament and I play SnGs with more excitement then this but basically I started off playing a little sloppy but then thanks to mistakes of opponents and some super thin value bets which make me the HORSE stud I am I got the chip lead with aroud 12 remaining (6 paid). In Stud8 I picked up rolled up dueces. Played a massive pot and got smacked by a river flush the didn't go away when he should have and missed value when he made it. This crippled me. We got to hold`em and I made a set of 7s against a set of 8s. GG me not to interesting but shitty hands to go out on.

Full Tilt:

150+13 NLHE 28k Gauranteed - I make another massive donkey call with 6s on a low flop against Js pretty early on. I river a 6 and get chips I don't deserve. That's what tourney poker is all about. I then play well as I choose good spots to steal and make some hands when I need them and get in good shape. I played one interesting hand which I think was bad but I'm not sure how bad exactly. On the bubble (outlast one person make the money) The button who had been kind of nitty with a 20k stack made it 4k with 500/1k blinds and a 125 ante. The was like the 3rd or 4th smallest stack. The 4k raise made me suspicious because it was much bigger then the rest of the bets that had been made. I had about 30k which was enough to lose 20k and still make the money so I pushed over the top with Q5o. He instacalled with AJo which surprised me. Granted AJ is @ the top of his range so I expect a call from it the speed with which he called (I viewed him as a pretty big nit) surprised me. I lost and monied but couldn't make anything happen and went out shortly after. $200.70 woo-hoo. I found the hand interesting and am going to run ICM and PokerStove later on to figure out exactly how bad it was (if it was) since it's been a long time since I did any study into tournament hands.

24+2 PLHE 3k Gauranteed - I have no idea why I played this either. I think I just wanted another table open. I have no idea what happened in it other then it was uninteresting and I went out early.

Now with the recap of the day out of the way let me get back to why I hate tournaments so much aside from the fact it's barely even poker and the skill involved is much less (which explains why I do so good in them). The real reason is I always feel like shit. I go in with the mentality that I'm going to win when I sit down so when I win it's like a job well done but 2nd-Last is always a big bummer and I toil on hands played much longer then I do over hands in ring. I've also become really sloppy in the beginning of tournaments and outside the Sunday HORSEs rarely seem to buckle down until the mid stages. Until next time I have something to bitch about....later.

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