Friday, May 04, 2007

Townsend wouldn't let me be his protege/man slave...

but he did give me a free month to cardrunners. Aba was slumming with the likes of me recording a CR video but didn't stay for long so I don't think the video was making the cut. I did get to fleece him for $30.30 before he left though including one heads-up hand. I'm clearly going to be in the 300/600NL game any week now. I guess I should start looking for him since it would kick ass to be able to play him HU @ low stakes and then watch the video of what he was holding against me. At first I wasn't a cardrunners fan but after watching enough videos I did pick up a couple little things which then obviously paid for the subscription and now that sbrugby and Schneids have joined up I would go so far as to actually reccomend it. i'm hoping Schneids improves my SHLHE game since it needs a lot of work and I'd like to play the midstakes HORSE games regularly in the future but my LHE definetly needs a lot of work. Pretty weak lineup in the 1k/2k HORSE last night for a little while where Razz and Stud8 hands got played pretty poorly that I saw.

In other news the weather here is actually beautiful but I feel like absolute shit. Playing well and expect my invite to the Ship It Holla Balls anyday now (jopke)


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