Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Running disgustingly well

Played 6 hours this morning and ended up dropping a little more then 4.5 buy-ins. Just sick how far ahead I was and how often I was able to do it that this result is just ridiculous. Playing LAG is the nuts. I made a few mistakes but that's too be expected in any sample of hands over 5k and none of them were major or just flat out horrible plays with no justification behind them. Didn't tilt and stayed focus for a long period of time and was pretty satisfied overall with my performance.

Started off by immediately misplaying a couple big pots which again were bad but not horrible. From then it was some sick sick beats. This was about the fifth one and while I'm not big on posting beats I use this solely because I thought this one was going to tilt me but I continued to play for several hours and take several more beats like this without tilting. Since I play low limits and don't ball out like Jay and Phreeze it's important that I actually establish the ability to do this and grind since I clearly am going to need to play more then a few hours a week to achieve anything close to ballerdom.

The reason I'll never work

The reason I'm not stuck 2500 from this session

Last 8500 hands I'm currently losing money with AA, AK, JJ which is pretty sick. No, I'm not a losing player who can't play AK or JJ properly it's just variance. Skipped a party to keep grinding since I got instastuck but if I ever leave the house again I'll be sure to drop some of that on the blog as well.


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