Only in poker can someone be on a huge high one minute and on a huge low the next. You really have to be a little (or a lot) sick in the head to do this day in and day out.
As my previous post said, I haven't been playing much online lately but when I have it's been 4 tabling HU games...and for the most part I've been crushing them. I mean, except when I'm getting totally annihilated.
I was up 8 buyins from this morning and just gave back 11 in under 60 minutes. How's that for a swing? And I didn't even play that bad...well not bad enough to drop 11.
Somehow I ended up with really aggressive opponents on all 4 tables and if the pot was raised and reraised, we played for stacks nearly every time - which I'm okay with usually, but it was cooler after cooler and beat after beat...which eventually leads to tilt and even more tilt.
Example: I make a ridiculous call with 3rd pair on a 3bet flop in a reraised pot for 800BB. No problem. He peals the 6 outer on the turn. I actually got kind of excited when I made the call and was right...kind of a downer when you make an incredible call and then get f'd for it.
Made another ridiculous 800bb call with 2nd pair on a 3bet flop, in a reraised pot. Villian had habbit of 3bet shoving 2 overs oop in reraised pots. This one was even sicker (the beat, not the call)as I had one of his overs..aka drawing to 3. Q Ball on the turn, no problem.
Then just pure coolers. River gives us both 2nd pair, his being higher with me betting all the way and I managed to not stack off (yay?). 3bet pot, he c/r's me all in on a Jhigh board with JT. I make the call with J9. River T, ship him 600BB. This one may have been questionable but I don't think I can lay it down with previous action.
Made an idiotic/genius call with Ahigh on a river where villian overbet pot all in. It was either pure air or the absolute nuts...unfortunately villian had latter. Then just tilted off another 3buyins or so that could have been avoided.
HU games are just sick in variance...especially when opponents are aggressive and have a lot of gamble.
Unfortunate, I may have to abuse lower stakes players for a bit as I just cashed out stripper money.
Off to sulk in my own misery.