Friday, January 21, 2011


8th in the 2750 some dumbass to stick most of his stack in with K8o vs AA and he runs well...triple up thru a few run goods b2b and ship queens into AJ that binks the A. Ran in top 14 the whole way and 2nd in chips into the FT. Good times


Anonymous said...

every post on this blog is one of you guys bitching about poker, every. single. one.

stfu and bust already

KoTToN said...

feel free to quit squandering your life away by typing the fcuk and up pops the blog bc it's autosaved in ur browser after countless refreshes praying that you'll catch a glimpse of a life u can vicariously play in

O and fuck off with ur anonymous comments. At least pretend to be somebody I h8 on the felt

casquette rockstar said...

i think it is a very good post!