Tuesday, January 04, 2011

perpetually inversed

Honestly can't remember the last time I had a winning session.

Can't afford to take any more breaks

not starting off so hot.

anybody have a tissue?

edit: took the advice for mtts and fired up the 2750 gtd...3rd orbit guy Limp/jams 125 bb utg gloating the mighty KQs (I had AQ and woulda held but uh w.e)....he open shoves like 5 more times before I snap him with kings...can't fade the A5o for a 75 bb open shove utg+1 and the good ole Nice Hand remark.

Gut said you're losing this as I call

Gut says you're going to lose everything

Gut says you're fucked

Where can one purchase a new one of these? One that's filled with joy when he sees a big hand and a fucking spaztard open shove into it. It must have some price. Some price.

....3500 r/a went abt the same with some one going rr w/ 45s having me as pfr utg

I hope this chainsaw carving shit works bc I refuse to do chemistry for 12$/hr and this poker thing is meh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MTTs are chicken soup for the cash game soul imo