Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Unexpected blog post!

Well, I wasn't planning to write a blog but this just has to be said...

What the fuck is wrong with TV? Why is it that every good show, once it becomes popular, has to be absolutely butchered until it goes from being fantastic to absolutely awful?

Will someone please tell me why the fuck the new season of Rescue Me sucks so freaking much? It's unwatchable. Every week I download the new torrent expecting to see the brilliance of the previous 4 seasons and every god damn week I am disappointed more than the previous.

This was the only show I liked since entourage has become such a flaming pile of piss...

Holy shit I am fucking pissed. Fuck you Dennis Leary, how the fuck could you have let this happen? Asshole.

1 comment:

Burdamania said...

Time for you to write a pilot for The Jay and Daduhweewah Variety Hour.