Thursday, February 26, 2009


I have no better title....

Not that I ever had good titles anyways.

Poker sucks, been losing or breaking even or winning minimal (staying even)for like 2 weeks...

I suck at omaha.... but I can not quit playing.

I got my grill fixed.... only 4000$ in fillings and shit.... <3 drugs

I has a system to save money now! I doubt it works... I hope it does though.

I bought more absinthe, I love getting beligerantly drunk.

Nothing really interesting poker wise... Just been playing no crazy hands nothing too absurd on the winning or losing side... Just real tame sessions for the most part. Feels like all the fish are starting to quit playing though. Games are so dead right now it's not even funny.... I blame the BBJ going off. Once it hits 500K again it will start drawing some people up. (or people will be stupid and expect it to go off at 1.2 mil every time)

I need a trailer for my Suzuki Samarai but I can not find one for less than 1500ish and I paid 1200 for the vehicle so why pay more for a fkin trailer than a working vehicle!

Doo wop, dooby doo doo wop

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