Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I just booked a -1k session and it feels like a win.

That's sick. Pft. I played kind of good for a while then kind of bad for a mediocre session I guess...but holy hell why do I keep running this terrible? This is ridiculous. 2months of being coolered and sucked out on...and everytime I think it's about to end...everytime I put up a decent win and have a decent day where some hands hold, the very next day reminds me how brutally awful variance can get.

I'm annoyed about 3-4 hands I misplayed in big pots.

One hand I just wasn't paying attention to the table and our stack sizes, so I ended up needlessly calling a turn bet with TPTK on a dry paired board where villian and I were mega deep and he was obv building pot huge to stack me with trips...technically 3up is right and I could have just folded the flop but I think thats debateable...turn was an easy pitch though.

And I tilt called off with topset on a river where the flush hit just because I keep flopping sets and losing with them none stop.

Prob shouldn't have shipped Ahigh on double paired board in 1 spot either.

And one other hand I don't recall.

Otherwise just horrible variance....

A huge donk keeps playing enormous pots oop with air and constantly making some kind of back door runner runner flush or str8 combos where I either have some sort of good 2 pair hand or top set or whatever and I can't fold because he's a tard. I think he's stacked me 3 or 4 times doing that.

Got cool'd for 400+bb pot @ 3-6 mid set vs top set on super drawy board. Mehh..

Dood calls down light for stacks and gets there on riv 1st hand. 2nd hand he flops boat with 22 on 277 and I hold big pair. Pukee.

Some tard ships it on me with 53 on A25 or something along those lines. He immediately gets there on the turn. Sure, tons of equity.

Oh, this is a fun one...I flop the nut straight on a 2 club board. Dude leads flop, calls raise with draw to the under straight. Calls pot bet on turn, and gets there with backdoor flush. I can't find the fold button.

Some tard ships it in every 3rd hand, I flop a set with dueces on 2k8 2 hearts, he runner runner a straight, the flush bricks on the river, he lead ships it in huge and I;m forced to call. Great.

One of the worst regs on site open limps HU, we see a J29 flop, it goes bet raise reraise, 4bet and i ship it in with J2, dude calls with 29 and makes backdoor flooooooosh..


I'm on tilt just thinking about how awful everyone plays and how awful I run.

Also I can't get action from 90% of merge. And some 100NL guy hit the jackpot. Goodbye 850k or whatever they gave to the table.

Only losing 1k today after being up 3, then down 6 feels like a win. Oh, god I hate my life.

Year to date: -25 to 28k on the year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sign up with a new name on another merge skin less RB is an issue