And more importantly...why wasn't I told?!
What am I talking about? The retardonkathon known as FTP in the early mornings of US Eastern time. I've been playing a bunch there lately...mostly heads up late night US time since my sleep schedule is all screwed and I am up from 3am to noon. It's kind of hard getting donks and bumhunters to play me HU and after getting the old no ty like 10 straight times I decided to just multi table 6max.
Usually I don't bother with 6max because the games aren't great but more importantly because there's always a huge list..and I can't be bothered waiting forever and then having the game break in 2 orbits...but the last few days I've been getting a seat right away and there's at least one huge mega donk per table. To top that off, the regulars sitting are horrendous.
There are two Italians who are both 6 figure winners in the game and are absolutely awful. I would pay money to play them heads up.
FTP games are usually tough so I have no idea if this is just good timing or a flukey string or what but there's been tons of value. Let's hope it continues.
Dudu made a girl cry on a date. Lets discuss how terrible of a human being he is.
Also anybody who hacks and absolutely trashes the page of that retard who's bot has been spamming our comments, or the pages of anyone who left any spam in our comments for that matter, will forever be a glorious hero and dudu will hang their picture in his "war room" for all to marvel at!
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I need to vent:
Fuck u ssnl hu regs on stars!
For real, like wtf?
Seriously, ptr me (SirSnagsALot), it says I'm an uber tard (over small sample), yet I get no fucking action.
30 fuckin tables open, half of the fucktards are sitting out, the other half sit out when I join. One douche obliged to play 2 hands and bounce.
Another graciously donated a BI before figuring out he could find better fish after running a triple barrel semi bluff tryin to rep a RR Ahigh str8 (marginal call 4 me with bottom end of str8 but meh, seen worse).
Then there is the now infamous MrBriggs99 who's runnin hotter than the water dadu's using to wash off his privates immediately following a round de vous with those "classy woman" that can run over me like no other cause, well, I suck obv (doesn't help that he has a near 45 degree incline profit starting round mid Nov banking round 26k mostly 50nl-100nl but that's just me whining imo).
SOOO, I switch to stars cause I'm bitchin bout how nobody plays on pdc, same 8 regs, I run so bad blah blah blah and the same fucking results like 90% of the time incur.
Maybe I need to wake up earlier and try the am thing like Jay discovered.
Maybe I need to man up and play higher.
Maybe I need to make some fucking money cause I quit my "awesome" home depot job to play poker full time.
Maybe I need to utilize this pos B.S. degree in Biochemistry that some tards at UCSD awarded me (remember when the biotech field was the fastest growing and if you get your degree you'll come out smellin fresh, rollin in the dough? Remember? Ah yeah, the good ole days).
Hmmmmmm, maybe.
Vent numero dos:
Really?? REally??? REAALLLLYYYY???? I though pdc was bad for faggoty ass motherfuckin pos micro douches that attempt to play hu and find some miracle suck out to break even or come up 30-40bbs and quit saying gg in 30 hands or less. REALLLLLLLLLLLLY? asdfkjngksdjnafgvlkzn;sdaglb
Fuckin blow me harder than dadu's ever paid for u whore ass pieces of shit! %&*$
-rant over and walls still in planar form, my walls and knuckles need a blog
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