Monday, February 01, 2010

Dudu and I love Norwegians

Okay so we have a few things for todays blog:

1. No, I didn't actually flip a quarter and decide to call with that KQ...and lol @ someone asking me this. I remember this hand clearly and I remember thinking about it for a good 20-30 seconds before calling. It was not a spew nor a bad call, otherwise I would have folded. I remember looking over that hand at the end of the session and still deciding it was a call. Results don't really matter, it just happened to turn out good.

2. Some of you asked about blogging here with us...and it's a request I've had before...well there's good news and bad news.

The good news: I've decided several months ago to turn this into a real site not some BS blogspot like it currently is. Of course we'll have member blogs and what not...and if your blog doesn't suck and by doesn't suck I mean actually funny/entertaining...and people like it...and by people I mean ME...we'll throw it up on the front page (dont hold me to this) so everyone can read it and post derogatory comments calling you an ahole. Of course if your blog sucks and your name isn't Jay or Dadu, you'll never see the front page and continue sucking all by yourself.

The bad news: I am lazy. It takes me forever to actually do something otherwise we would have had a real site years ago. So bear with me...the good thing is while I may be slow, I actually get shit just takes me a while. Also, a big help would be if anyone here can build websites or do anything related to website building or know anyone who does...your assistance would be appreciated.

3. So I played like 14hours straight between Jan 30 & Jan 31 cause I really didn't feel like having a losing Jan. I started the month like +6k then followed it up by -16k spewcity to Jerry so I had to get myself into enough of a plus to not commit suicide. So 14 hours of any 2 vs anyone at any time makes me a winner. Do not try this strategy.

So I ended up waking up at like 8pm on forward a day of almost no action and at like 5am I decide to play 5-10 for an hour before going to bed vs some mediocre reg who gives me action. So at this point I'm kind of tired and playing idiotically and I end up going on total spew city for like now I'm mega stuck and I realize the only way I'll get unstuck is 10-20...but he won't play I open the first 10-20 table I see and sit vs a decent regular.

Of course now I am annoyed that I got myself into this situation and I proceed to continue playing like a tard and suicide bluff off 2 buyins. Now I'm stuck 8k and have been playing for several hours and I'm mega pissed because I am about to start Feb stuck 8k for no reason other than I wanted to mess around 5-10 for an hour and just spewed off 8k. Then to make my problems worse, dudu comes online.

First thing's first, I curse him out for no reason. Then I curse him out for not making me quit stuck 2k. Then we have a conversation about the hooker he bought in Australia and proceeds to tell me literally some of the dumbest things I have ever heard. I wish I saved the conversation so I can post the transcripts here but I didn't. The gist of it was basically he doesn't consider escorts hookers because, wait for it, "they are classy". This went on for a few minutes and the more he told me about his theories that because you order them from a catalog instead of picking them up from the casino floor and because you can "take them to dinner", they're classy. I was amazed...I didn't think dudu could shock me wrong I was.

Laughing at Dudu must have woken me up because I decided there was no way I was going to start February stuck I kind of caught my 2nd wind and mounted a comeback vs both opponents before quiting with a whopping +$500ish on the 5 or so hour session.

I played a few interesting hands...but the most fun by far was the last hand at the 10-20 table where I folded what looked to be like the best hand, but was likely to not be, to a river bet and dudu chastised me for it over AIM for making what appeared to be a bad fold. I told him he was out of his mind an we argued over it. So we decided to make the Norwegian I was playing tell us what he had...but he wouldn't. So dudu offered him $200 (we have this thing where Dudu is making me flip him once a day for the course of the year at $200 a pop) from me if he had me beat and $200 from dudu if he was bluffing. So the guy of course says he had the nut straight, dudu doesn't believe him...and we request a screen shot.

Dude was actually a good sport and imageshacks the hand...with...obv the nut straight and dudu's forced to ship him $200.

Let's all laugh at dudu as some scando is using his money to buy himself soccer jerseys.

Boom! A meat and potatoes update!



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DADuhWEEwah said...

Jays stories once again distorted, I feel like I am the only person in the world who ccan tell a story HOW IT HAPPENED.... or maybe I am just such a funny dude that distorting stories about me makes them funnier.... idk, regardless I will quote myself... I SAID IN A GIST, They try to make it classier there, THEY TRY to,in no way shape or form, except in Jays world, is this me saying "the hookers are classy there"

Ty, come again

Burdamania said...

This blog is clutch lately, but two updates from you and Dudu in a matter of days is just going to spoil us when neither of you post for another 3 weeks :(

Anonymous said...

boom! that's how u start 2010 l8