Saturday, February 20, 2010

Something has to change.


I've had enough. I am sick of myself and I am sick of going on idiotic tilt 3 times a month and cutting my monthly profits in half. Every year I throw away 150k doing this.

Last night I played worse than I have all year or maybe ever. It was so bad, it was almost unbelievable. I literally got smashed in the face with the deck and managed to LOSE 30K!!!!!


And it all boils down to the same thing I have always said not to do that I keep doing.

1. Playing when extremely tired/falling asleep.
2. Playing insanely long sessions.
3. Playing on tilt.
4. Not having a stop loss.
5. Not being able to walk away with a losing session.

I can't do this anymore. I either need to change this or I need to quit poker.

I am very serious. How long can I continue to be self destructive and turn hard work and grueling hours of grinding into misery because I am stuck 3 buyins and don't want to book a losing session? Sure there are times when I pull it together and get it back, but there are times that the wheels fall off completely and I end up spewing for no reason.

Sometimes my brain just turns off.

So here we are and this is that crucial point people have in their careers: I will either over come this flaw or I will quit.

1. I will NOT play when I am tired or not feeling it. I don't care who's playing. I don't care if the biggest fish in the world is playing 5 buy ins deep. If I don't want to play, if I am tired, if I am on tilt, I WILL NOT PLAY. The end. Absolutely no questions. No desire = no game.

1a. There is a good chance, considering I hate poker, I will never again want to play...or not want to play often this case, I will designate X hours, when I am feeling good and thinking clearly to play.

2. I will quit whenever I feel like I am going to tilt. if I do not recover in 20 minutes or less, I will walk away. No questions asked. If I do not walk away when I am tilting, I will send Dudu $100 for every hour I play on tilt.

3. I am designating a 4 buyin stop loss for any game 5-10+ and a 5 buyin stop loss for any game 3-6 and below.

4. I will not play more than 6 hours a day.

4a. If I am focused and calm, I may play 8 hours.

5. I will try to play shorter sessions. Ideally, I will break the sessions down into either 3 2 hour sessions or 2 3 hour sessions.

6. I will invoke SOME game selection. Instead of playing tough or semi tough opponents when there is no action, I will spend as much time as I can stomach reviewing my play and studying the game away from the tables.

7. I will try to play at least 30 minutes a day of PLO.

8. I will balance out my life by returning to both weight training and kick boxing. Poker will not interfere with either of these activities.

9. I will not alienate my friends during hardcore poker binges - which will be coming to a stop.

10. I will not be a complete retard tilting moron.

If this list is not completed and this tilt issue is not COMPLETELY fixed by WSOP time...If I still go on crazy sick spew will be my last WSOP and I will quit poker.

I spend way too many hours and way too much time playing to just tilt my profits away. If I can't do this, I'll...I don't know...go write brothel reviews or something.

I may take the next few weeks off, I don't know.

Whatever the case is...I am very unhappy with myself. Here's hoping that I am not as dumb as I think I am and can overcome this.

Good luck me.



Anonymous said...

what u think about lowering the number of tables u at. since u said u will slightly game select this will prob be perforcive just my 2 cents. gl with tiltlessness

Anonymous said...

You've stalled. You're working hard and falling behind. You recognize that something has to change. I've not one clue what the answer is but I wish you all good luck in figuring it out. Find out if, for the time being, you're better suited to full ring instead of HU. If you're out-played, take you lumps and make adjustments. If you're out-drawn, remind yourself that your opponent is not nearly skilled enough to put you on tilt. You'll find your way, of that I have no doubt.


Anonymous said...

I used to have the exact same problem with not being able to book a losing session. At some point (prolly after going bust a couple times) I matured. When you've been in this business for a long time you absolutely have to understand theres going to be losing sessions no matter how well you play and how donkish your opponents play. You have to be less results-oriented and trust what you're doing is a long-run + ev decision. Its a shame when talent gets wasted due to stupid flaws like tilt. I used to do the move up stakes to try and quickly win back what i just lossed thing and have since turned it around. It can be done...just stick to your rules listed in this post and you will be much happier with yourself. GL

Anonymous said...

Play more on stars for 3,6