Thursday, February 11, 2010

I am so sick of FT.

How is it every session I play I am stuck 5k with a positive adjusted ev? So great.

So a few days ago I finally snapped and went on world famous Jay Tilt and turned what was a +10k month on FT into a -4k month. Great. So now I hate myself.

So after tilting off what was going to pay my bills, I decided to take a break. Of course, that only lasts until I open the software, see a donk at 10-20 and lose 2 coin flips to him. Then he leaves and the game breaks. This is followed up by fish coming to play heads up, who sucks out, wins some flips, coolers me, etc. Wins 2 buyins, leaves. Then this fish is either replaced by a nitty reg or someone who's actually good. Nitty reg will quit unless I spew to him, good player will annoy me because I'm already annoyed at having to play a good player after fish keep leaving. FJHDFJKSDHFJKHDJF

On an amusing side, many of the regs are pretty bad with more leaks than dudu after he's eaten an eigth of psychedelic mushrooms and snorted 5 lines of meth.

So I'm stuck like 7-8k at fullofshitpoker now. Great.

I guess I ran good there at some point in my life (although I do not remember this) and am now paying for it. Wonderful. Please, more of this. MORE I SAY.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ummm yea to above... I transferred my roll to stars but had some rb come in from a tiny sesh, so i bought into 6max ballin 10nl and who woulda thunk it....good ole davegk himself sat in shortstackin, lmfao