Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I am bored and have nothing to blog about, I can't sleep despite eating a sleeping pill.... OTC not prescription, I am not a pill head just insomniac, was watching a show the other day about sleep, and decided that none of what was on the show related to me... Said the sunlight gives us energy and that we have internal clocks and if we miss too much sleep our bodies won't be normal until we have caught up as many hours of sleep that we are short of................ hmmm...... and all sorts of jibberish that made no sense whatsoever.

I am pissed at Full Tilt again, I swear that it is just fucking wrong... I can not win a race if I am 3+ hours into an MTT, which is why maybe the turbo tourneys are the only thing I ever fucking click in... What the fuck am I doing wrong? I just don't get it, do I really need to have literal 40K slides in MTTs??? I mean shit.... it is just absurd how cold I am in anything worth mentioning.


Anonymous said...

not that i'm anything spectacular, but I consistently sift through the 1600+ ppl only to get fucked in almost everyone...moosey does too (not that it means much) :P

Anonymous said...

Yea moose has been deep ina bunch of stuff in recent weeks without a break.... we suck obv, whats ur FT user

Anonymous said...

nottok420...all names created years ago with little thought for creativity 8)