Sunday, November 23, 2008

Bad Bad Bad Weekend.....

Ok so did not get very far in coming back tonight.

Lost another 1500ish game was not very pumped up tonight, just not much money in flow and it felt like a Sunday night after a hard weekend of partying, you know when you are aware you have to go back to work the next day and everything feels so drab, the last NFL game finished up, your not 100% yet, everything feels a little dark, the atmosphere is just shot, no life anywhere. That is how tonight felt so I did not play too much.

One hand, I flop nuts in the omaha round with Ac6c4d5d flop 3 5 7 with 2 hearts, well I get all in for my 1100$ on the flop vs a guy who was hammered drunk....

He has 3498....... in my suits..... heh, turn is a 5- 3 outs all he has and he binks it, was my night pretty much, then I dumped off another stack to him with AK 10 2 on a 2 6 7 flop he calls 700 on the flop after I repot pre he manages to call this 700 with JJ45.... binks an 8 I failto make 2 pair or trips on him and hold off the other card, oh well....

Tomorrow online day, gonna recover, gotta go buy a ton of furniture on Monday for my new place which I have not found yet but hunting for, so gonna be a big dent in my cash supply but oh well, gotta do it....

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