Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Welllll I won the Full Tilt TLB though it cost me 2K since I ran like 100% dog shit for 5 hours while I tried to catch this Korean fella who never sleeps and has 2 people playing his account and has logged 20K games on FT but loses money and for some reason wants take my TLB from me. So I had a 2K wing in 25-75$ games but atleast I placed first on the leaderboard, if I had just kept sleeping I would have gotten half the cash (500$) and not gone on a 2K swing downwards. Also why the hell is the 1st place for TLB so fkin low, 1000$??? When there are hundred of players running for it? Should be like 5K-10K for as much money as FT makes.

So at the end of the session I have one shot to make profit today, in a 30$R I make final table with 2nd place stack and play worse than I ever have.. I manage 6th, I never slowed down, kept raising raising raising with no hands getting moved in on or missing flops. 1st 4K me 800$, I rule.. So this in turn sparks me to play more games, so I am still playing right now and have decided not to sleep til I have plad 36 hours, or profited. GL Me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GL sir....knew u were some kinda bot to play that long ;)