Monday, October 13, 2008


Well, Sunday was another riot. Way more of a riot this time.

Fulllllllll Tilt....... I hate you, I feel as if you would rape and murder my children (if I had any) for a good laugh.

The Sunday Brawl, 256$ KO (40$ per head) Drawing over 1800 players, and I played so disciplined for 6 hours, never having a monster stack, just getting in good and won a couple races, 24 left, and they get me. Every time the blinds get high and the players are whittling away a siren goes off in Full Tilts HQ and they rush to stop me.

I get 77 on the button with 180K stack at 5K 10K blinds, cutoff moves in for 100K so I remove in, blinds fold. I am up against QJo, flop is 8 7 2 rainbow- YES! I have over average stack now! Turn-10, "heh they wouldn't do it" River-9, whaaaaaaaat.

So I have 8 BB left and shove QJ from mid like 3 hands later, button flat calls, hoping he has a little pair he has AQ, oh well, flop K 10 9 - HEY IM ALIVE AGAIN! - Turn J-

Ill post these hands for evidence..... So sick....

Made a couple other deep runs with no success on FT, but Cake poker loved me today, took down the 50k for 11K and final tabled the 100K on Cake but only managed 7th for a measley 3500$ (payouts suck on Cake since they pay 62% of entrants)

Well I am back to nitting it up though. The monster cash still alludes me.

Jay where are you! I think he is retiring from online poker.

Hands from FT HH for proof of this sick ways they toy with me.

Eh cant get the HH from this comp, played on my desktop this weekend to watch football and my desktop sucks and the HH wont work, so just call me a liar and gfy.



Anonymous said...

Feel good......

DADuhWEEwah said...


plz dont advertise in our blog without naked pics