Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A new low has been reached in the scum that is the bumhunter!

So i'm sitting at 10-20 6max by myself minding my own business when a bumhunting retard shows up and sits with me. This is a very strange occurance because for the most part these people avoid me like dudu avoids contact with females.

Anyway so I don't have autopost on and get sat out. Before posting, I specifically type into the chat box "if you're going to hit n run i'd rather not play". Okay, kind of a dumb request..if a guy is going to hit n run he's going to do it anyway, right? Well, this guy multitables 6max so he may have just wanted to start a game...and usually if no one comes they sit out (unless they are down money).

Anyway, so I think I make it perfectly clear that I wanted to play long or not at all. I mean if he told me he just wanted to try to start a game I'd have gladly just given him the table. So I wait a minutes or so to make sure he read what I wrote...he doesn't respond...so I sit in assuming he wants to play. And we start...he gets down 25bb and reloads...we contnue for abotu 30 hands...as soon as he wins a 40bb pot he SNAP SITS OUT! Like SNAP!

Now, it's not like he doesn't know me or how I play. He's been playing with me for months. And it's not like he's quiting because he was playing on 3 of my other tables. So why on earth would someone do this?

To be a scumbag, thats why. These people are the lowest life forms known to man. They just do things specifically to annoy others without any sort of benefit. They're like the kind of people who walk around scratching other people's cars just for the hell of it.

There is nothing more I despise than people like this. Nothing. I would not be against people like this becoming terminally ill with painful diseases. I really wouldn't. They add absolutely nothing to the world.

On the one hand, you might have someone who does something to gain something or as a retaliation for something you did. That's fine. These people need to exist. There's a method to their madness. But then you have these vermin who just do nasty things jus because...even if you specifically ask them not to do them and they gain nothing by doing them.

I've never understood this. I just don't get it. Why? Why would you do something like this?

I totally understand the owner of a tire shop who litters some corner with nails to drive up business. I get it. I do. But what does the homeless guy scratching peoples cars in a parking lot have to gain? It's absurd.

And these people are ABUNDENT in the poker world. Just abundent. Just everywhere. I wish someone, somewhere would seriously hurt people like this. Maybe break their legs in such a way that they are in a wheelchair for the rest of their lives. That seems like a fitting punishment...at the very least.


P.s. I'm really really really sorry I let Kotton on here. But we need the content. And yes I know we suck and he's not helping. Fully aware thank you very much.


Anonymous said...

How does him hit and running change your EV of playing him at all?

Sounds like you are just whining that things didn't go your way.

KoTToN said...

thx i <3 u 2

Anonymous said...

I wanna apply to be another member of your SSNL blogging squad. My credentials? I've stacked off to Jay countless times at NL400 back in the day, I've stacked Kotton before, and I hate all the 12-tabling 22/18 NL100 and NL200 6m regs now, and somehow haven't been chatbanned for telling their whole families to get HIV and go fuck themselves. And I'm good at writing about angry bad beats. Plz plz plz Jay/Dudu!?

- FabulouslyFierce

Anonymous said...

Kotton does blow otherwise its decent stuff. Little bit too much bitchin but that's the reason for having it lol

KoTToN said...

i've nvr been stacked by such mediocrity. I've nvr even lost .12 of a BB to this nimrod fab. How this guy has been round and stuck at the same limits I'm climbing back to is dumbfounding. At least have some better allegation than u stacking me bc lets face it, we all know how fucking easy that is.

Normal day on the felt when fab gets in a pot w/ me:

"Ha, I bet this fucker has top pair and can't fold. Watch me min raise this dumbfck and have him spaz out bc he hates it. Click. tick, tick, tick. Boom!. Told u that dumbass would stack off with top pair for 150bb!!! This fucking regfish pays my bills. Bing Blang Blaow Biatch!"

KoTToN said...

i've nvr been stacked by such mediocrity. I've nvr even lost .12 of a BB to this nimrod fab. How this guy has been round and stuck at the same limits I'm climbing back to is dumbfounding. At least have some better allegation than u stacking me bc lets face it, we all know how fucking easy that is.

Normal day on the felt when fab gets in a pot w/ me:

"Ha, I bet this fucker has top pair and can't fold. Watch me min raise this dumbfck and have him spaz out bc he hates it. Click. tick, tick, tick. Boom!. Told u that dumbass would stack off with top pair for 150bb!!! This fucking regfish pays my bills. Bing Blang Blaow Biatch!"