Monday, December 27, 2010

I cant wait for this year to be over.

Ran so so bad for the last 6 months. Not that it would matter if the year ends since its 1 long session, but a fish can dream..can't he?

Today was a stupid day. I'm still playing as I type this but at the moment i am down 10k, with an adjusted ev of +2k. Swell. Though, this is not really indictive of the worst:

Cards are coming out so incredibly ugly for me in the non all in pots.

And I spewed a bunch

And I broke another mouse.

I should be more mad than I currently am. I've calmed down. I was steaming hard. It's kind of lame though that fish keep beating me and giving it away. Really, it is.

just so frustrated. I've seen so many big pairs and they've never seen a flop without an ace on board. So many walks in the BB. So many lam shortstcks shoving over. So frustrating.

At one point was losing every pot. Would just get it in and lose. AK vs AK. I proudly think "now give him the flush" cause i know it's coming and sue enough bink bink. Then they shove every 6 hands and I call and fist pump with queens...into kings. Blah blah blah. Non stop. Keep it coming. I love pain and misery.

Top it all off, while I run bad vs fish and random regs and bumhunters...I run well vs my friends and dent their rolls. Not that I'm complaining about that too much, just lame I abuse my buddies instead of the scum of the universe.

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