Monday, October 04, 2010

Good news, bad news, worse news

Good news: We registered a domain name! Expect as site somewhere around...2014!

Bad news: Everytime I open PDC it makes me want to vomit...people are beating up my german. Don't know if I'll play him again, though.

Worse news: I've finally had enough of the bumhunters. It seems I am the only one who has cared for so now I just don't care anymore. Or rather I am going to go in the opposite direction. I am going to sit at as many tables as I want of whatever heads up games I want and I'm going to never continue playing a 6max game unless there is a total fish sitting...and if there isn't and I stack a regular, I'm just going to leave. Furthermore if there is a fish running around, I am going to block everyone's heads up table and try my hardest to make sure the fish comes to me. Oh and if they get upset and come to play me heads up, I am just going to play my button and leave.

That's right, I am going to take the tactics of the asshole scum of the poker universe, the bumhunters, multiply them by 5 and give them a taste of their own medicine.

I am so sick of not getting any fish because of the 40 tables open filled with 10 of the worst players in poker history who sit there and think they are entitled to do as they please without regard for anyone or anything around them.

This does not make me happy.

In other news, I've been playing tough, semi tough, 1k, 2k games on ftp. Meh


Anonymous said...

heyy buddddy. pretty depressing stuff, aim sn is flyingdutchmn16 if u wanna cyber or whatever

love, nujabes <3xxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

heyy buddddy. pretty depressing stuff, aim sn is flyingdutchmn16 if u wanna cyber or whatever

love, nujabes <3xxoxoxo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
