Thursday, October 30, 2008


For real... FER REEEELZ

No site can piss me off like this site, I think if they changed their name it may help. I even tried to change the table views but it did not help, I still knew I was on FT. I am certain that I have an issue with my mentality when I am playing on this site. I mean I can not play well for more than 90 minutes on this site. I snap every time, or atleast I am telling myself this now, over 4 months without an MTT cash over 3K, like 15 MTT Final Tables without a top 3. Ummmm..... 1 winning month on there in the past 4 or 5 months, and that month I was the dumbass who decided to win the TLB. Played like 1200 games, 45 man+++ and made like 4K, now I played for like 10 hours a day 6 days a week. This is not my idea of how I would want to live.

You know, atleast in live poker when you get to running bad, you can order a drink and still enjoy the night. Online, no no no, you are on 10+ tables and have to keep your cool which is sometimes impossible to do on Full Tilt, not a problem on other sites for me. I can not take the MTT grind like I used to, or I am just running insane bad for this long. I mean I can live a month without a break but seriously, for the hours I have put in most months, this is just torture, thank the lord other sites are treating me very well or I would be forced to become a pot smoking hippy working at Arby's to pay for the rest of my school which I have full intentions of finishing sometime soon.

Things I hate about Full Tilt

1. Every flop seems to have a straight flush draw
2. Every time I have 99-JJ on a rag board I am vs 2 overs and a flush draw
3. I never flop a set, or a big hand in the early stages of tourneys. But the fish who are limping in every hand always do, it is literally like I can not win a hand early in a tourney, can't even make a pair with AK AQ but 1 in 5 or so, and usually behind when I do.
4. Too many good players and too sorry of software, fish have to get a share on FT, the grinders have a lower ROI on FT than ANY SITES TOP GRINDERS. I will not attribute this to the solid players. So this means if I am not 100% on top of my game I should not even be playing.
5. I won't quit playing there


Other news, going to play a bunch of lower buyin live tourneys for the next 10 days or so, that is if I can get a hotel room for the whole time.

90 minutes away from me, Scotty Nguyens Poker Classic! Cherokee in Tulsa, couple tourneys every day ranging from 200-1000$ buyins and a 3K main event and surely plenty of side games, should be able to do well. Hotel rooms will be scarce I am sure so I will prob be forced to spend twice as much on a Suite for the first 5 days, oh well....


Tough way to make an easy living, or an easy way to make a tough living? Both make sense to me?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tired, Worn, Spent ZZZZZ Vacation

Some people are just naturally workaholics. I know that I am not, but since poker is my job, maybe I am, I am bored on vacation, it just is not what I am interested in I guess, I am just not a normal young man when it comes to things like going out to eat, social events, hanging out with friends etc etc. I would almost just prefer to be playing poker 100% of the time. So I can't claim to be having the best of times here in Florida, the weather is awesome, there is a ton of stuff to do that I am failing to have interest in doing, so I am no fun for this week, sorry.
Got my first session in today since I left, been playing for 10 hours or so, tailing off right now.

Up a couple thousand on PDC, super fish playing the 5-10 game and he does not take a liking to me. He will spew the rest of what he has soon and I am certain he has nothing to rebuy with, but oh well he has been lucky in some pots and had 3500ish to spew back at 1 point and none of that was mine previously.
Played a bunch of 45 mans on FT, did ok, only got 21 games in since they start slowly. Was up 1000 or so, then was going to play all the 1K Monday sats, but the internet here is really sketchy so I did not. I played 2 and ended up with a seat, so I played the 1K and have already busted, I played poorly and missed every flop, not a good combination in any circumstances I guess.

I have CHAT ON FULL TILT AGAIN. Been over a year since I have had the ability to say anything while playing there. Neat huh?

Casino Boat is where you play cards. The games are weak, 2-5 has a 100-300$ buyin, I played this each time, won a bit the first night then the second night I am sitting, get stuck for 3 buyins in a hurry. Then if any of you have watched the 2006 ESPN WSOP Circuit in Tunica Mississippi, there was a guy who "gave Negraneau trouble" named Kia Mohajeri. He was on the boat, and he is a real fish if I must say so myself.

I make a hero call on him for a 1500$ pot roughly, early in the night we were both doubled ++ (I doubled him the first time) I hold 99 on button on Kia's straddle, couple come in for the 10$ I make it 55$ to go Kia and one other call flop is J 8 3 rainbow, check check check turn is a 4 putting a flush draw out, check check I bet 120$ Kia calls and other guy folds out the river is the 10c putting three clubs out and Kia moves all in for 550$ish and I tank get the clock called and tell Kia he makes no sense and called him and he tosses his hand into the muck face down to not show, I show the hero call scoop the pot then proceed to drink too much and leave about 600$ down, I rule.

Went to a strip club last night, and wow. I am embarassed for myself, I honestly am going to have nightmares, there was a tranny working there, this place was so empty, I was so drunk (no I did not touch the tranny, but I did ask him her shmim herm whatever you call a tranny if he or she was a tranny and I got a reply "no I am a woman" (auto tranny, no stripper calls themself a woman, IM A HOE DUDE!) Yea but I spent like 1000$ in there on girls that were definately not that good looking, I want to puke..... I am such a jackass for even going to this place, it was bad. (but I was shitfaced) Probably should leave that out of the blog, but it is kinda funny, I think I have pics on my digital camera of the place, I will post one later if I do, I think I remember taking a pic with all the strippers. Drinking the bottle of wine I purchased for "the crew" I don't know how much the wine cost, I don't like wine, I don't know why I bought the wine, but I did. PFFFF Yea I am ashamed don't worry.

So in my eventful day I had spent over 1500$, I know I spent at minimal 500$, so there was definately 800-1000$ missing, and I have it down to a few things that could have happened to the money.
A. Tipped it to the strippers (and once again my word that I gave the tranny NOTHING)
B. Accidentally tipped it in a wad of 1$ bills I had at the ESPN Club. (this my most hopeful way of losing it)
C. Accidentally tipped it when I bought the bar a shot in a bar in Disney World. (yes, just what families at Disney World want, a drunken 22 year old buying the bar a shot, PARTY!!!!!!!) (Jager none the less)
D. GOT FUCKIN ROBBED BY SOME HOES! (though I had nothing else missing)

Definately done drinking for a few weeks, so far very little good has come out of it for the trip, I would be a liar to say I had a bad time in the strip club, but I really did have a bad time remembering it, sigh.

Ok I'll be home in a couple days thankfully, ready to recline in my game chair in front of my TV playin 15 tables for 10 hours in a pair of pajama pants get my weekly shave in there somewhere and finish my DUI school so that I can finally be a part of society again, hoorah.

Workaholic? Nahhh just an addict. But luckily an addict of something that does not prevent me from being able to live well.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Yes, it is true, I am going to Disney World. Have a buddy who lives in Orlando (his name Michael Ferrari, yes) going to school at UCF, decided to buy a plane ticket to go hang out with him for a week. Do some Disney World, some Casino Boats etc etc. So won't be playing much at all this next week.

Went and played a 5-10 live game, held on Tuesdays at one of the casinos here (small area, so not a daily game) game was as fishy as I expected. Bunch of old men and a few business guys, very few of these people know how to play anything but pairs and the nuts. They all cold call each other with sets trips 2nd nut straights non nut flushes and middle two. So this was easy for me. I play pretty loose, only one other guy at the table was anyone I showed respect to, and I did not make many friends in the process. Quit the game up 3500$ in 3 hours or so, didnt much feel like playing anymore.

Stacked off one hand, well not stacked off but doubled a 1200$ stack up, was mad at myself for doing this in such a weak game where there is reallistically no need to be making such moves (though the 3rd hand of the game I made a move in a 3 way pot for my whole stack)

The 2 hands worth mentioning.

First the 3rd hand of the day, we all started together.

I am button with 95o 3 limpers I make it 65 to go (they cap buyin at 1K so were all at 1K except one younger guy who "plays for a living" but is not very good and talks a lot) So I get 2 calls

Flop 10s 9s 6s (i have no spades)
1st checks
2nd checks
I check
turn Qd
1st bets 90$
2nd calls 90$
I ponder for 20 seconds and call 90$
River 3h
1st bets 150$
2nd calls 150$
I instantly move all in for like 850 or so ( i had won the first pot)
1st just throws it away
2nd tanks and folds
I show obviously. Thought I repped the nut flush well there.

2nd hand the one I doubled a nit on, this guy had flopped 3 kings and 3 jacks at 2 seperate points, not a set, just 3 of a kind, 2 on board. (sets and trips different IMO)

So I straddled (blind raise to double the BB when ur UTG to gain last action pre, used to squeeze a lot)

I picked up 9s7s and 3 come into the pot, and I checked

Flop is 10s 6s 6h
1st checks
I bet 40 into 80
3rd calls
4th folds
1st folds

turn is a 5h

I bet 85 into 160
2nd makes it 285

Ok so now back to the trips he has played, he has YET to do anything but check call with them so I am at a cross road. I am thinking maybe he is raising me cause I am typically pretty aggressive. But he also knows I usually surrender if I dont have anything on the turn, so I am worried about 66, and air. But I dont see how he could call flop and have air. This part I did not think about during the hand. So I messed up clearly, I think for 1 minute and talk like I have a 10, cause I am planning on moving in here.

So I move in he insta calls and flips the only hand I can possibly be beat by in my head. Though I never asked myself what he could call flop with and raise turn that I could push off the hand, so I am a bonehead.

So I had one out in the deck, the 8s AND I HIT!

Not really, I missed and I pay him 1080$ more than the 200 and move along.

This same guy actually played a hand with me later, was kinda funny.
I had J8 called 30 pre in 4 way pot flop Q 9 7 rainbow.

All checks, turn is a 10h board reads Qs 9h 7d 10h

SB bets 60$ the guy I doubled calls one folds and I raise to 190$
SB folds (hes the only player I respect) then the goober calls with 25$ chips, and I ask him "you not gonna pay me back with my red chips (I paid him off in mostly red when I doubled him a few hands back)

He responds with "You haven't won anything yet kid" (I love being called kid, means they don't like me usually)

River is a Jd

OOOOOK, he is first to act and checks, board now reads Qs 9h 7d 10h Jd

I think for quite a while here, with the low end, prob 45 seconds. Pot is about 600$

I finally decide what I want to bet, 75$...... sounds crazy, but I am certain I have best hand, and just want to get paid by a pair.

He insta calls and low and behold he flips over Kh5h

Thanks for not leading out? Thanks for not raising? Thanks????

That is how nitty this game is, but they are stations, but they won't be building pots with each other. It was nuts. I will definately be playing that game more, when I feel like waking up at 10 AM to play.

Ummmm..... Jay still hiding out. Bout all I can say about that. So atleast he let me post some turribal blogs for you fine folks that actually read this.

Ive lost faith in online poker almost, I really want to be a live pro, and may go that way before too long. Online just so damn annoying, low ROIs have to play 4826295 tables at a time to profit worth a crap, too many good players, too many bad players that shit out because online lets every half ass descent player win money and think they can go pro. Just keeping it slower for the rest of us. Fish don't win money live, it is just fact. Fish can win one session, one 100 hand session, but thats insanely rare. They 99% of the time give it right back within the hour. Online is just not random I dont care what you say or how you say it, all people say to me is "what do the sites have to gain" ????? Seriously? FISH PLAYING FOR MORE HOURS ON A DOLLAR THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE.

I am 70% only talking about Full Tilt :) Though no site has the randomness of a live deck, just have to let fish play longer, it keeps games alive, and rake movin. I have never seen or heard of a fish who worked his way from low to high in live poker to only find out he was running hot.

More money in live poker anyways. More social interaction. (no not more total money but more easily obtainable money at my stakes) No money running through my banks to have to pay as much tax on etc etc.

Ok I am rambling and ranting so I will quit here.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday Begins

Well I have crushed my FT roll as usual, and have no money to play the big MTTs cause Jay is being a dick and wont send my my FT money for PDC back (I swapped and dumped 4K a few weeks ago dumb me) So if you have any FT money you will trade me comment, I will take anything since deposit options are awful right now.

So I have 4 buyins for 75$ 45 mans, busted one and looks like I may cash the 2nd one, need a 1st place toplay any of the MTTs really though. So hopefully that works out.

So I am bored playin a 2-4 table and a couple 3-6 tables on Cake. And was really bored so I bought in for the minimum at a 50-100 PLO game, left with 7200, I am such a donk for doing that.... very very bad habit, but I wouldnt claim I am down from doing stuff like that.

So I post later after day ends see how I fared, doesnt look I will be in the red though.

Also back to back wins in the Friday night tourney at the casino around here, 120$ buyin paid 1500ish both times, but I chop as leader with 4 left and take 1K each time (usually when the floor gets mad at me for being too drunk, but hey I get out like twice a week it's my party time sadly) tourney doesn't draw a whole lot of players, and very few players that know what they are doing. So I rule that obviously, but the players are so bad, and I have been "cut off" once we get to the final table every time, just hammered drunk. Never know when to say when when I am drinking in public. Atleast I can still play when I am hammered (and I think I play better as long as I don't run into real bad luck, then I will play awful (any real ugly beat will make me play bad, I dont get upset about it, just start trying to win every pot to compensate)

Monday, October 13, 2008


Well, Sunday was another riot. Way more of a riot this time.

Fulllllllll Tilt....... I hate you, I feel as if you would rape and murder my children (if I had any) for a good laugh.

The Sunday Brawl, 256$ KO (40$ per head) Drawing over 1800 players, and I played so disciplined for 6 hours, never having a monster stack, just getting in good and won a couple races, 24 left, and they get me. Every time the blinds get high and the players are whittling away a siren goes off in Full Tilts HQ and they rush to stop me.

I get 77 on the button with 180K stack at 5K 10K blinds, cutoff moves in for 100K so I remove in, blinds fold. I am up against QJo, flop is 8 7 2 rainbow- YES! I have over average stack now! Turn-10, "heh they wouldn't do it" River-9, whaaaaaaaat.

So I have 8 BB left and shove QJ from mid like 3 hands later, button flat calls, hoping he has a little pair he has AQ, oh well, flop K 10 9 - HEY IM ALIVE AGAIN! - Turn J-

Ill post these hands for evidence..... So sick....

Made a couple other deep runs with no success on FT, but Cake poker loved me today, took down the 50k for 11K and final tabled the 100K on Cake but only managed 7th for a measley 3500$ (payouts suck on Cake since they pay 62% of entrants)

Well I am back to nitting it up though. The monster cash still alludes me.

Jay where are you! I think he is retiring from online poker.

Hands from FT HH for proof of this sick ways they toy with me.

Eh cant get the HH from this comp, played on my desktop this weekend to watch football and my desktop sucks and the HH wont work, so just call me a liar and gfy.


Friday, October 10, 2008

Couple Goot Sessions

Did my profile kinda so you can see me playign with Clonie Gowen, but the pic quality sucks. Shes sooooo hottttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.

Did well on some 5-10 on P.Com the other night, thanks in large part to a couple fish.

First night I ended with a 7500$ stack after playing Zer10 for a few hours, think only 4-5 of that was profit though. Had top set hold vs a open ended straight draw + flush draw with 1 card to come (I bet and just called a flop raise he picked up all the outs on the turn)

Next night I finish up with an 11K stack on a 5-10 table after playing mega fish for a bit who stacked me 3 times and I was running like hell. Luckily it shifted and I ran better that I ever had in my life for an hour and stacked him 5 or 6 times in that span. Not even Jay himself could have broke even in that HU match. Probably would have stacked Jay 8-12 times in fact.

So my .com account is alright again after a few months of me not playing or wanting to play there. But in all honesty I think I am going to cash out a large portion of it and just play 1-2 and MTTs elsewhere and perhaps .com. My bank account is sadly starting to get low and would suck in 3 or 4 months if I pissed this all away as I usually would and did not hae atleast a little to fall back on.

I am pretty hell bent on going to the Aussie Millions this year, though flight is 2500$ roughly (if I booked now, which wont happen) So I will prob pay 3500 for flight if I decide to go, or maybe I win a seat, which would be elite. Would definately be the coolest trip to ever take, for me atleast. (I think)

Ummmmm.... I have nothing much else to say, except NHL 09 is out on PS3 so gonna pick that up today, then head over to the casino and play (I have been up for 16 hours already and planning 20 more) some poker and get drunk toss 200$ bills away to the hillbillies. Should be an entertaining day.

Ummmm words from the wise, if you go to bed with an itchy butthole, you will infact wake up with a smelly finger.

Im "batty"

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Funniest HU Session EVER on FT

Ok these hands are in order, I didnt play more than 70 hands with him ,ummmm I am not spacing the histories cause I am too lazy to space 10 of them, you can still read them, I previewed them, it is not too bad.

I rool

Full Tilt Poker Game #8413114359: Table Aire (heads up) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 7:18:31 ET - 2008/10/09Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 ($208)Seat 2: PrettyMariacci ($212)DimJarnaby35 posts the small blind of $1PrettyMariacci posts the big blind of $2The button is in seat #1*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to DimJarnaby35 [9c 2d]DimJarnaby35 raises to $6PrettyMariacci raises to $20DimJarnaby35 raises to $67.75PrettyMariacci raises to $212, and is all inDimJarnaby35 adds $59.75DimJarnaby35 foldsUncalled bet of $144.25 returned to PrettyMariacciPrettyMariacci mucksPrettyMariacci wins the pot ($135.50)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $135.50 Rake $0Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 2: PrettyMariacci (big blind) collected ($135.50), mucked

(So I was doing this for the first few hands)

Full Tilt Poker Game #8413117360: Table Aire (heads up) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 7:19:05 ET - 2008/10/09Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 ($206)Seat 2: PrettyMariacci ($273.75)DimJarnaby35 posts the small blind of $1PrettyMariacci posts the big blind of $2The button is in seat #1*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to DimJarnaby35 [Tc 2s]DimJarnaby35 raises to $6PrettyMariacci raises to $20DimJarnaby35 raises to $67.75PrettyMariacci raises to $273.75, and is all inDimJarnaby35 calls $138.25, and is all inPrettyMariacci shows [9s 9d]DimJarnaby35 shows [Tc 2s]Uncalled bet of $67.75 returned to PrettyMariacci*** FLOP *** [As Ah 3d]*** TURN *** [As Ah 3d] [6d]*** RIVER *** [As Ah 3d 6d] [Ks]PrettyMariacci shows two pair, Aces and NinesDimJarnaby35 shows a pair of AcesPrettyMariacci wins the pot ($411.50) with two pair, Aces and NinesDimJarnaby35 adds $200*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $412 Rake $0.50Board: [As Ah 3d 6d Ks]Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 (small blind) showed [Tc 2s] and lost with a pair of AcesSeat 2: PrettyMariacci (big blind) showed [9s 9d] and won ($411.50) with two pair, Aces and Nines

Full Tilt Poker Game #8413119584: Table Aire (heads up) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 7:19:29 ET - 2008/10/09Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 ($200)Seat 2: PrettyMariacci ($479.25)PrettyMariacci posts the small blind of $1DimJarnaby35 posts the big blind of $2The button is in seat #2*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to DimJarnaby35 [6h 2c]PrettyMariacci raises to $6DimJarnaby35 raises to $20PrettyMariacci calls $14*** FLOP *** [8c Ad 3d]DimJarnaby35 bets $20PrettyMariacci raises to $80DimJarnaby35 adds $40DimJarnaby35 foldsUncalled bet of $60 returned to PrettyMariacciPrettyMariacci mucksPrettyMariacci wins the pot ($79.50)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $80 Rake $0.50Board: [8c Ad 3d]Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 (big blind) folded on the FlopSeat 2: PrettyMariacci (small blind) collected ($79.50), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #8413129735: Table Aire (heads up) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 7:21:23 ET - 2008/10/09Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 ($238)Seat 2: PrettyMariacci ($479.75)PrettyMariacci posts the small blind of $1DimJarnaby35 posts the big blind of $2The button is in seat #2*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to DimJarnaby35 [5s 8h]PrettyMariacci raises to $6DimJarnaby35 raises to $20PrettyMariacci calls $14*** FLOP *** [7s 3c 5h]DimJarnaby35 bets $20PrettyMariacci calls $20*** TURN *** [7s 3c 5h] [Kd]DimJarnaby35 bets $40PrettyMariacci calls $40*** RIVER *** [7s 3c 5h Kd] [9s]DimJarnaby35 bets $80PrettyMariacci calls $80*** SHOW DOWN ***DimJarnaby35 shows [5s 8h] a pair of FivesPrettyMariacci shows [8c Kh] a pair of KingsPrettyMariacci wins the pot ($319.50) with a pair of KingsDimJarnaby35 adds $122*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $320 Rake $0.50Board: [7s 3c 5h Kd 9s]Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 (big blind) showed [5s 8h] and lost with a pair of FivesSeat 2: PrettyMariacci (small blind) showed [8c Kh] and won ($319.50) with a pair of Kings

Full Tilt Poker Game #8413140363: Table Aire (heads up) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 7:23:23 ET - 2008/10/09Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 ($237)Seat 2: PrettyMariacci ($601.25)DimJarnaby35 posts the small blind of $1PrettyMariacci posts the big blind of $2The button is in seat #1*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to DimJarnaby35 [Qd 2h]DimJarnaby35 raises to $6PrettyMariacci calls $4*** FLOP *** [9h Ah 7c]PrettyMariacci checksDimJarnaby35 bets $8PrettyMariacci raises to $30DimJarnaby35 raises to $54PrettyMariacci raises to $595.25, and is all inDimJarnaby35 adds $23DimJarnaby35 foldsUncalled bet of $541.25 returned to PrettyMariacciPrettyMariacci mucksPrettyMariacci wins the pot ($119.50)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $120 Rake $0.50Board: [9h Ah 7c]Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 (small blind) folded on the FlopSeat 2: PrettyMariacci (big blind) collected ($119.50), mucked

Full Tilt Poker Game #8413146031: Table Aire (heads up) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 7:24:28 ET - 2008/10/09Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 ($239.50)Seat 2: PrettyMariacci ($620.75)PrettyMariacci posts the small blind of $1DimJarnaby35 posts the big blind of $2The button is in seat #2*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to DimJarnaby35 [8h 2d]PrettyMariacci raises to $6DimJarnaby35 raises to $20PrettyMariacci calls $14*** FLOP *** [Jd Tc Qs]DimJarnaby35 bets $20PrettyMariacci calls $20*** TURN *** [Jd Tc Qs] [6h]DimJarnaby35 bets $40PrettyMariacci calls $40*** RIVER *** [Jd Tc Qs 6h] [Ac]DimJarnaby35 bets $80PrettyMariacci calls $80*** SHOW DOWN ***DimJarnaby35 shows [8h 2d] Ace Queen highPrettyMariacci shows [Jc 9c] a pair of JacksPrettyMariacci wins the pot ($319.50) with a pair of JacksDimJarnaby35 adds $120.50*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $320 Rake $0.50Board: [Jd Tc Qs 6h Ac]Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 (big blind) showed [8h 2d] and lost with Ace Queen high

Now it turns aroudn, chip counts
Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 ($200)Seat 2: PrettyMariacci ($780.25)

Full Tilt Poker Game #8413158865: Table Aire (heads up) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 7:26:52 ET - 2008/10/09Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 ($273)Seat 2: PrettyMariacci ($705.25)DimJarnaby35 posts the small blind of $1PrettyMariacci posts the big blind of $2The button is in seat #1*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to DimJarnaby35 [6h 7d]DimJarnaby35 raises to $6PrettyMariacci calls $4*** FLOP *** [9h 9d 3d]PrettyMariacci checksDimJarnaby35 bets $8PrettyMariacci calls $8*** TURN *** [9h 9d 3d] [Ah]PrettyMariacci checksDimJarnaby35 bets $20PrettyMariacci calls $20*** RIVER *** [9h 9d 3d Ah] [3h]PrettyMariacci checksDimJarnaby35 bets $40PrettyMariacci calls $40*** SHOW DOWN ***DimJarnaby35 shows [6h 7d] two pair, Nines and ThreesPrettyMariacci shows [Th Kd] two pair, Nines and ThreesPrettyMariacci ties for the pot ($73.75) with two pair, Nines and ThreesDimJarnaby35 ties for the pot ($73.75) with two pair, Nines and Threes*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $148 Rake $0.50Board: [9h 9d 3d Ah 3h]Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 (small blind) showed [6h 7d] and won ($73.75) with two pair, Nines and ThreesSeat 2: PrettyMariacci (big blind) showed [Th Kd] and won ($73.75) with two pair, Nines and Threes

Full Tilt Poker Game #8413165875: Table Aire (heads up) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 7:28:11 ET - 2008/10/09Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 ($295.75)Seat 2: PrettyMariacci ($681)PrettyMariacci posts the small blind of $1DimJarnaby35 posts the big blind of $2The button is in seat #2*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to DimJarnaby35 [6c 4d]PrettyMariacci raises to $6DimJarnaby35 raises to $20PrettyMariacci calls $14*** FLOP *** [Qc Ad Tc]DimJarnaby35 bets $20PrettyMariacci calls $20*** TURN *** [Qc Ad Tc] [Td]DimJarnaby35 bets $40PrettyMariacci calls $40*** RIVER *** [Qc Ad Tc Td] [8h]DimJarnaby35 bets $200PrettyMariacci foldsUncalled bet of $200 returned to DimJarnaby35DimJarnaby35 mucksDimJarnaby35 wins the pot ($159.50)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $160 Rake $0.50Board: [Qc Ad Tc Td 8h]Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 (big blind) collected ($159.50), muckedSeat 2: PrettyMariacci (small blind) folded on the River

Full Tilt Poker Game #8413172149: Table Aire (heads up) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 7:29:22 ET - 2008/10/09Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 ($361.25)Seat 2: PrettyMariacci ($614.50)PrettyMariacci posts the small blind of $1DimJarnaby35 posts the big blind of $2The button is in seat #2*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to DimJarnaby35 [Qc 8s]PrettyMariacci raises to $6DimJarnaby35 raises to $20PrettyMariacci calls $14*** FLOP *** [9c 3s Qs]DimJarnaby35 bets $20PrettyMariacci calls $20*** TURN *** [9c 3s Qs] [Td]DimJarnaby35 bets $40PrettyMariacci calls $40*** RIVER *** [9c 3s Qs Td] [Qd]DimJarnaby35 bets $200PrettyMariacci calls $200*** SHOW DOWN ***DimJarnaby35 shows [Qc 8s] three of a kind, QueensPrettyMariacci mucksDimJarnaby35 wins the pot ($559.50) with three of a kind, Queens*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $560 Rake $0.50Board: [9c 3s Qs Td Qd]Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 (big blind) showed [Qc 8s] and won ($559.50) with three of a kind, QueensSeat 2: PrettyMariacci (small blind) mucked [Jc Th] - two pair, Queens and Tens

Full Tilt Poker Game #8413175758: Table Aire (heads up) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 7:30:03 ET - 2008/10/09Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 ($634.75)Seat 2: PrettyMariacci ($340.50)PrettyMariacci posts the small blind of $1DimJarnaby35 posts the big blind of $2The button is in seat #2*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to DimJarnaby35 [2c 7c]PrettyMariacci raises to $6DimJarnaby35 raises to $20PrettyMariacci calls $14*** FLOP *** [2s 2h Td]DimJarnaby35 bets $20PrettyMariacci calls $20*** TURN *** [2s 2h Td] [Kh]DimJarnaby35 bets $40PrettyMariacci calls $40*** RIVER *** [2s 2h Td Kh] [3h]DimJarnaby35 bets $500PrettyMariacci calls $260.50, and is all inUncalled bet of $239.50 returned to DimJarnaby35*** SHOW DOWN ***DimJarnaby35 shows [2c 7c] three of a kind, TwosPrettyMariacci mucksDimJarnaby35 wins the pot ($680.50) with three of a kind, TwosPrettyMariacci adds $200*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $681 Rake $0.50Board: [2s 2h Td Kh 3h]Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 (big blind) showed [2c 7c] and won ($680.50) with three of a kind, TwosSeat 2: PrettyMariacci (small blind) mucked [Ks Qs] - two pair, Kings and Twos

I like my VBet here

Full Tilt Poker Game #8413194350: Table Aire (heads up) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 7:33:34 ET - 2008/10/09Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 ($1,077.25)Seat 2: PrettyMariacci ($202)PrettyMariacci posts the small blind of $1DimJarnaby35 posts the big blind of $2The button is in seat #2*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to DimJarnaby35 [9h Kh]PrettyMariacci raises to $6DimJarnaby35 raises to $20PrettyMariacci calls $14*** FLOP *** [9d 3c Ah]DimJarnaby35 bets $20PrettyMariacci calls $20*** TURN *** [9d 3c Ah] [Jc]DimJarnaby35 checksPrettyMariacci checks*** RIVER *** [9d 3c Ah Jc] [5d]DimJarnaby35 bets $40PrettyMariacci calls $40*** SHOW DOWN ***DimJarnaby35 shows [9h Kh] a pair of NinesPrettyMariacci mucksDimJarnaby35 wins the pot ($159.50) with a pair of NinesPrettyMariacci adds $78*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $160 Rake $0.50Board: [9d 3c Ah Jc 5d]Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 (big blind) showed [9h Kh] and won ($159.50) with a pair of NinesSeat 2: PrettyMariacci (small blind) mucked [9s 8s] - a pair of Nines

Full Tilt Poker Game #8413200916: Table Aire (heads up) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 7:34:49 ET - 2008/10/09Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 ($1,163.25)Seat 2: PrettyMariacci ($200)DimJarnaby35 posts the small blind of $1PrettyMariacci posts the big blind of $2The button is in seat #1*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to DimJarnaby35 [As Qd]DimJarnaby35 raises to $6PrettyMariacci raises to $20DimJarnaby35 raises to $67.75PrettyMariacci raises to $200, and is all inDimJarnaby35 calls $132.25PrettyMariacci shows [Ad Ts]DimJarnaby35 shows [As Qd]*** FLOP *** [3c 3d 5d]*** TURN *** [3c 3d 5d] [9s]*** RIVER *** [3c 3d 5d 9s] [Ac]PrettyMariacci shows two pair, Aces and ThreesDimJarnaby35 shows two pair, Aces and ThreesDimJarnaby35 wins the pot ($399.50) with two pair, Aces and ThreesPrettyMariacci adds $200*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $400 Rake $0.50Board: [3c 3d 5d 9s Ac]Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 (small blind) showed [As Qd] and won ($399.50) with two pair, Aces and ThreesSeat 2: PrettyMariacci (big blind) showed [Ad Ts] and lost with two pair, Aces and Threes

Full Tilt Poker Game #8413221419: Table Aire (heads up) - $1/$2 - No Limit Hold'em - 7:38:44 ET - 2008/10/09Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 ($1,400.25)Seat 2: PrettyMariacci ($203.50)PrettyMariacci posts the small blind of $1DimJarnaby35 posts the big blind of $2The button is in seat #2*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to DimJarnaby35 [8c 8h]PrettyMariacci raises to $6DimJarnaby35 has 15 seconds left to actDimJarnaby35 raises to $1,006PrettyMariacci adds $2.50PrettyMariacci foldsUncalled bet of $1,000 returned to DimJarnaby35DimJarnaby35 mucksDimJarnaby35 wins the pot ($12)*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $12 Rake $0Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 (big blind) collected ($12), muckedSeat 2: PrettyMariacci (small blind) folded before the Flop

I did the $1006 to go prob 5 or 6 times with no calls then I left... he is probably pretty steamed lol

and do not worry I will never post this many hands again. I appreciate your time if you read them all.

If you did not read them all and started back up right here, you are shit out of luck, I am not posting anymore.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Sunday Salvaged!

Thought this was going to be a horrible Sunday of online poker (as usual) Busted all the 200$ buyins in a matter of minutes. Though I only play on FT due to the fact that I am banned from Stars for colluding in a 5$ sitgo 3 years ago with a friend from school, and they won't seem to consider reinstating me despite how much rake I pay and the fact that I play for income now and how also I was just a virgin to poker and had no clue this would affect me later. But oh well.

So I play about 3000$ worth of buyins on Full Tilt, needless to say I was stuck 4500$ (inc my 45 mans I was playing) within 2-3 hours, no cashes in anything, busted the 750K 5 minutes into the 2nd hour, busted the mulligan 5th or 6th hand spite raising the BB from the SB I limped with 99, he raises 3X and I make it 999 to go he pushes A10 and spikes flop. The 65K I busted midway through stealing the buttons raise with QJ but woops the BB has AA, obv.....

So I win a couple 45 mans and cash another one which added almost 3000$ back to my account, then I ran deep in 2 other tourneys, nothing big, one of the Big Doubles I am 3rd of 10 and tangle with what I thought was 2 overs and a flush draw, but it was actually just a flush draw when the initial raiser spikes a set of deuces, I finish 10th since I could not double up after that. Then in the Turbo Fiddy (gangster name IMO) I finish 11th when I run Q10 from the button (5 handed on my table) into , you guessed it AA, GG me.

Then I played the 20K on .com and had 8K at break and was out before the 2nd level of the 2nd hour started, actually the very first hand of the 2nd level of the 2nd hour is when I busted.

And won a descent chunk playing some 2-4 PLO8, one insanely sick hand in my favor (very first hand I played- I also posted the BB out of the blinds to come into the hand too)

I am dealt AcAdJc6d

UTG makes it 12$ to go, below the pot, I just call and remember thinking to myself "I never ever flop the ace when I don't raise" (im a theorist and skeptic of online poker though I play religiously)

1 other caller from the SB.

FLOP - As Kd 7d

YAHTZEE Top set and nut flush draw, no low draw can make me sit back for now, for once I AM FREEROLLING WITH TOP SET.

SB Checks, UTG Pots for 42$

I repot for 168$

HE REPOTS! So I get in for my 800$ (was a deep table)

He calls and shows Ah Kh 2s 4c


Board runs (As Kd 7d) - 4c (pairs him, still no low) - 9s!!!!!!!! SCOOOOP!

Such a sick hand though, I would have wet myself with his hand there, no way he can expect to be in such bad shape just hoping for a chop to live.

So Somehow today I salvage the brutality to only be down 1k. I feel lucky though it could have been a good profit day if I catch a couple breaks late in tourneys.

In other news, I got to sit next to Clonie Gowen at a 1-2 table a couple weeks ago, she is so hot.... Prob cause she plays poker and looks "good" which makes her "hot" she is apparently going to be the spokesperson for the casino they just built here, and they are supposed to be in talks with WPT to get set up on the tour. (I dont believe this will happen since this casino is 90 minutes + from the nearest airport)

I am a hermit, my life is filled with Madden and online poker and going to the Indian Casinos and drinking way too much giving hillbillies 200$ at a time while they trash talk me (because I am loud and ruin the friendly game environment with my eratic betting styles) Ohhhh if they only knew I was a micro baller online. I live a shitty life right now. Thought I would throw this paragraph in here.

Fuck you all

PS: If anyone plays madden on PS3 (online) comment with ur username and I will pwn on you.

PPS: If you are going to comment about madden, and you run the same play everytime and use hurryup to do it everytime, then fuck you don't comment.

PPPS: Go ahead and comment because you will be easy to beat.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

I Min-Raise Better Than Jay!

Full Tilt Poker Game #8341434457: Table Echo (heads up) - $2/$4 - No Limit Hold'em - 4:36:25 ET -
2008/10/04Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 ($422)Seat 2: MrGio84 ($378)
DimJarnaby35 posts the small blind of $2
MrGio84 posts the big blind of $4
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to DimJarnaby35 [9h Kh]
DimJarnaby35 raises to $12
MrGio84 calls $8
*** FLOP *** [Ac 7d 4h]
MrGio84 checksDimJarnaby35 bets $12
MrGio84 raises to $40
DimJarnaby35 raises to $68
MrGio84 raises to $125
DimJarnaby35 raises to $182
MrGio84 folds
Uncalled bet of $57 returned to DimJarnaby35
DimJarnaby35 shows Kh 9h
DimJarnaby35: Bitch
DimJarnaby35 wins the pot ($273.50)
*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $274 Rake $0.50Board: [Ac 7d 4h]Seat 1: DimJarnaby35 (small blind) collected ($273.50), muckedSeat 2: MrGio84 (big blind) folded on the Flop
MrGio84: fk u i will rule u

I min raise way better than Jay....

Jay uses asian condoms cause he has a tiny scrotom!

Friday, October 03, 2008

Why everyone tryin' to truck me yo?

$3/$6 - No Limit Hold'em - 6:58:34 ET - 2008/10/03
Seat 1: Hero ($813.60)
Seat 2: mustang mark331 ($481.25)
Seat 4: Steve Yea ($2,471.90)
Seat 5: d0zer4lyf ($600)
Seat 6: XXX ($1,280.50)
Hero posts the small blind of $3
mustang mark331 posts the big blind of $6
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Hero [3c Tc]
Steve Yea folds
d0zer4lyf folds
XXX raises to $18
Hero raises to $69
mustang mark331 folds
XXX has 15 seconds left to act
XXX raises to $150
Hero has 15 seconds left to act
Hero has requested TIME
Hero raises to $231
XXX folds


Also, I played a few hours of live poker at local hole in the wall. They charged Rake + Time!

You read that correctly...RAKE AND TIME.

Sick? I'll put up something more amusing later.

Probably not.

Someone buy me a PS3.


Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Welllll I won the Full Tilt TLB though it cost me 2K since I ran like 100% dog shit for 5 hours while I tried to catch this Korean fella who never sleeps and has 2 people playing his account and has logged 20K games on FT but loses money and for some reason wants take my TLB from me. So I had a 2K wing in 25-75$ games but atleast I placed first on the leaderboard, if I had just kept sleeping I would have gotten half the cash (500$) and not gone on a 2K swing downwards. Also why the hell is the 1st place for TLB so fkin low, 1000$??? When there are hundred of players running for it? Should be like 5K-10K for as much money as FT makes.

So at the end of the session I have one shot to make profit today, in a 30$R I make final table with 2nd place stack and play worse than I ever have.. I manage 6th, I never slowed down, kept raising raising raising with no hands getting moved in on or missing flops. 1st 4K me 800$, I rule.. So this in turn sparks me to play more games, so I am still playing right now and have decided not to sleep til I have plad 36 hours, or profited. GL Me.