Monday, April 23, 2007

Phil Ivey? A fish? Surely I jest?

How sick is it that Phil Ivey was the fish in a 200-400 NL game last night on FTP? I booted ftp last night to see the following scenario:

Aba sits alone at several 6max 200-400 and one 300-600 HU table. Phil Ivey joins him at the 3/6 HU and at the 200-400 6max. Several players who were previously playing 100-200 join phil and aba at the 2/4. Phil leaves a buyin on the table and quits. Immediately after, the previously mentioned 100-200 players either leave or sit out with aba alone willing to play.

This just reinforces that Aba is currently the best NLHE player in the world. It's just sick how he's become so good so quickly.

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