Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Not playing merge was better than playing merge.

I don't know how they do it. I really don't. One kid flops a set or makes a flush every hand. Another proceeds to light me up check calling 77 on AKJJ and somehow plays nitball but rails every 3bet pot w Arag and Jrag. Then checks flushes to me on the river.

One day I will combine moose's graph with my own from Merge for shits and giggles. I expect to see an Ev dip of about half a mill.




Anonymous said...

run better and win flips pokerz ez...I'll let u know when that works out for me cause my credit card hates me right about now

Anonymous said...

This makes me feel slightly better about being 25 buy ins below EV at my shitty little stakes. Thanks Jay!