Tuesday, May 06, 2008

online poker. lol.

I run bad. Really bad. Really really bad. Like really terrible absolutely horrendous I don't remember the last time I ran this bad, bad. The scary part is...it can get worse.

Honestly, I don't know how many more OESFD's I can brick. How many 60-40's I can get f'd on, how many times I can lose a coin flip and how many more times the flush can get there against me. It doesn't even matter how many outs I have. I got it in with OESFD + both my hole cards are good if they pair...nope. Get it in FDraw+over+gutter. Nope. Get it in AK vs KJ. Nope. Get it in top 2 vs f draw. Nope. Set vs f draw? Nope. Set vs straight draw? Nope. It doesn't stop.

Running a nice -15kish below expectations. I have no idea how I still have money to buy in.

Then people rathole. Wow that pisses me off to no end...

Of course the combination of running bad and fish ratholing causes me to play bad and tilt to no end. So what do I do? I go play $200/hand blackjack and lose 5k. Nice.

On the brightside, the players are so ridiculously bad that if they continue playing me and continue to have money in their accounts, I will undoubtally be a rich man one day. When and if that day comes, I'll definitely quit writing this blog.

Anyway, on to much more interesting topics: 3up3down.

I know what you're all thinking...why hasn't he been posting his spiffy graphs and boring stories about downswings and all the "mad love" he gets on 2+2...well...this fool has decided to start playing the $500/$1000 HORSE game on FTP. And by playing, I mean destroying it. Not only is this game huge...it's also frequented by the very top players in the world...and our little stripper boy has been showing all those clowns who's boss.

In all seriousness, much love to 3up. He's worked hard and earned all the success he's having. Keep crushin' those fools,

I was watching late night ESPN the other day...for those that don't know...at 5 or 6am they have a segment called ESPN Outdoors. It's usually about fishing with professional bass anglers appearing on the show...well one of them said something really amusing that stuck out:

"A real pro must know how to spawn the fish."



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