Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Bro, I gotta leave for a bit. I will be back in the evening. Probably. Lost 12k. Don't care. Don't play STINKY. J


JUGA said...


good news: won 7k-ish from stink 2-7PL
bad news: i quit online poker 4 eva cause its rigged
(ask ur shty gay reg buddys for details)

maybe im a monstrous idiot and a part of my brain misses something that should tell me folding AxTx on the river of Ac,Tc,Kc,2h,6d in a 4 bet pf pot for 500bb @ HU5knl is a good idea......

Or maybe i should just learn that making a hand in general just means I'm gonna lose a big Fn fat pot.

And of course the countless flips and FD/SD that never get there

Im done wasting a second for this fkd up thing

i would ad a lifetime graph to shock the world but i can't even give a flying shit anymore

dunno what more to say to you but at least u made me laugh irl a few times wich is worth that little masterpiece of a writing on ur pathetic worthless blog

GSinishtaj said...

Hey Juga...1st time playing 2-7...I read 4 articles and beat you...umad?

Anonymous said...

Degens gonna degen. This blog post had 2 things going for it, JUGA, and the fact that it wasn't written by that fag kotton.

JUGA said...

even ur momma could beat 2-7 over 20 hands

GSinishtaj said...


GSinishtaj said...