Saturday, July 10, 2010

A brief update

I've been busy enjoying life.

Dudu and moose left out like literally all the best parts.

Cot gambling
Basketball prop bets
Random hands we played
Angle shooting angle shooters

And so much more...

DUdu is a terrible wingman. He was shocked when I told some chick to shut up.


Anonymous said...

merge is filled with dumb fucks who incessantly call 6-12bb, yes 6-12bb, pf hu with any two and weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

mind fucked and fuck u all. that is all.

Anonymous said...

lol at all u poor sobs attempting to obtain an education or graduating soon only to be smacked in the face with "wow there's thousands more jus like me" degree ( I graduated 4m UCSD w/ a BS (yes bs but bachelors of science) degree in Biochemistry/Chemistry (gtd job right? esp. in the hub bub of chem/biochem san could u possibly not find a job?)
I was lmfao there but the ones who had some clingy ass bitch of a "soul m8" (10 yrs deep in my case) who barely got thru school b/c of her nonstop bs 'hang out with me n u don't spend enuf time with me' garbage that u some how figured out how to play poker AND WIN (well we come here to read how to lose per Jay and dudu but that's neither here nor there), graduated (not sure how, but I did) still have there sanity AND have not chopped of the bitch's you my friend I tilt my glass and say cheers. Fuck you all who came up ez and only later realized how much of a grind it can be. And a fat fuck you to the people who are laughin at me atm cuz those who follow know i've been quiet in the games...or have I? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

indeed I am, probably even more so than my rants on and off the felt indicate...usually those rants are curtailed by a drink or two but that's neither here nor there as to why you'd refrain from leaving an identity. thumbsup, whosyourdaddy, thanks for the money, kiss, flutter
-kotton aka fuck you cuz i'm rippin u guys a new asshole with my alter ego on merge (actually i think all the shit talkers on here are the mtt fags or micro douches but w.e.)

DADuhWEEwah said...

daaayyyynnngggggg kotton, easy killer!

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