Friday, February 29, 2008

Leave One

Apparently several people used to actually read this thing. Feel free to leave comments and let us know because there's nothing lamer then writing to yourself.

I think it's been about six months since I've posted so here's an update.

October: I have the worst run I'd ever had I ran near 6ptbbs/100 under my all-in equity for over 100k hands. I then tilted massive. I attempted to move down to .5/1 but decided my winrate would be more then twice as high @ 1/2 since I knew the players and how the game played. I went broke.

November: I start off the month broke. By the time my birthday rolled around I had nothing left in my online accounts and spent most of the money in my pocket on top shelf booze for my 21st birthday. Stolichnaya Elit, Dom Perignon, Johnny Walker Blue Label are served to my guests even when I'm broke. If nothing else I'm always a damn good host. The day after my birthday I fly out and move across country to St. Petersburg, FL. I'm waiting on 4k in rakeback to hit my account so I can start playing again.

December: I've got a few bucks now from grinding/propping on smaller sites in late November. I'm doing well getting fat rakeback and playing against softer competition. I fly back to Michigan for the holidays and am doing well enough to cover gifts for everyone & host a nice dinner that my boy cooked that his folks let us host @ their place. I take a couple shots out of my roll @ 5/10NL but do wel @ 75/150O8 when the game's good. Heading into New Year's Eve I made more in December then I did the rest of the year combined. New Year's Eve I play some shorthanded 100/200 O8 where I'm probably outclassed in but stevebets is playing in. Stevebets is abysmal @ O8and I was taking pretty reckless shots. I bust my FTP unable to handle the swings and end December making nearly as much as I did the rest of the year combined.

Conclusions for 07? I've become a much better player since the UIGEA has made games much tougher but I still only made as much as I did the year before when I only played 10 hours a week. However the last few months taught me several things. I finally ran worse then I ever thought was possible and that caused me to be the most flirtacious with being broke I've ever been. That caused me to start focusing on improving my game a lot more rather then merely improving as people around me improved as well. I also learned the importance of game selection which is HUGE. All is well that ends well.

January: I start off the year basically rolled for 2/4 and I'm playing on a bunch of smaller sites propping still but doing well without the extra pay. Eventually I move over to another site and start playing there. My bankroll management has been shaky at best. While I'm not putting myself in a position to go broke again I am taking a lot of shots well above what I'm rolled for. This new site has 200bb buy-ins instead of 100. So @ 2/4NL the max buy-in is 800. This caters to my strength especially against considerably weaker competition. I'm taking shots @ the 5/10nl game and I'm killing it. My edge is so huge I can't believe we're playing for this kind of money since the game is so soft. The only problem is any sort of downswing and I'll have to quit playing in the game.

On the 17th I plat what at that point was the biggest pot I've ever played. Yes, I played a pot where I put in over 400bbs OOP with TPTK. I got sucked out on. I made a call afterwards to make plans to go to dinner because I felt I should probably get out of the house before I went on mega-tilt. I stayed on an even keel however and before the hour was up where I had to leave for dinner I managed to bust the villian (should be noted the site has the old Stars rebuy trick so you can get deepstacked in a hurry). I was very pleased with myself for the fact I was comfortable putting in that kind of money with a marginal hand because I trusted my read and more importantly that I didn't tilt and booked a big win. I build my roll to nearly the point where I'm almost rolled to play 5/10nl all the time (granted not that deep) and am still playing a lot of 1/2nl & 2/4nl so I'm not being too horrible with my roll.

Currently: Been playing a lot of 5/10nl on Stars and to a less extent Full Tilt as the 5/10 has been drying up on the smaller sites I'm on. I'm now fully rolled for 5/10nl though I still play lower occassionally and have been taking shots as high as 25/50nl if the games are really good. I also recently started playing the 500-2k HU HORSE SnGs when I don't feel like grinding just to relax and enjoy myself (gambling problem). I'm surprised at how soft the competition is and definitely have a decent edge and suspect and I can afford to keep playing them despite inevitable large swings since I don't play them on a normal basis and am keeping with a lot of other games. I have actually moved away from 6max and have been playing more HU & FR games though I play a decent amount of 6max still. I have also been playing the other games more then I suspect I need to cut down on my shot taking because eventually it will put a big hurt on me since I'm grinding less and taking more shots. I'm staying away from shorthanded games outside of NLHE for a little while and am going to work on improving my split games @ 30/60 since I'm playing break-even in the 75 O8 game and playing horrible in the 100 Stud8 game. Also no more PLO above 2/4 until I make more of an effort to study it & no more 25/50NLHE shots. Basically, I'm being a bit degenerate but playing really well 98% of the time and have been running pretty well too. I'm rolled for the mid-stakes games now and have cash in pocket so hopefully I'll only keep doing better and start blogging more if anyone actually reads it. On a personal note come April I hope to have improved enough and made enough money that I can go regain a life outside of grinding my ass off.



Anonymous said...

Nice update, time you guys get this blog back on the go.

Except vox obv, he sucks.

Anonymous said...

preety sure jay sucks too

Anonymous said...

we all suck for preying on people weakness while forgeting are own!