Sunday, January 27, 2008

LOL @ you if you are reading this.

So it's been an eternity since I've written anything here and I know I've been promising to some of you that we'd start this blog up again but the truth is none of us have had the motivation nor the time. I've actually been out of the country for the last 3 weeks (no, the feds aren't after me) and have just returned a few days ago. I would have been back the 29th but some moderately serious problems forced me back earlier.

As for poker, I don't even remember what happened in December nor do I care to. That probably means I won or broke even or didn't play much. Probably a combination of 1 & 3. I tried logging some hands yesterday...was up a quick 2k and then managed to lose it all back to finish at -$150 or something close to that. I am extremmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeely rusty. I don't even understand what I am doing. I'm not reading boards well or thinking about hands my opponents can have or why I'm making a certain action. Part of it is because I'm rusty and part of it is because my mind is somewhere else right now. I want to play but I don't think I should. Actually, I probably should play 1-2 for a while to get the rust off and maybe get my head away from personal life problems cause the 1-2 and 2-4 games have been exceptionally good but I'm afraid I'll just jump into 5-10+ if I see them going with fish/semi fish/anyone else I have even a tiny edge over.

It sucks that I'm in this mental state cause 3up and I found some site that has regular 5-10 and higher with complete morons. I think he's already won more $$$ there this year than he did in the last 3 months of 07 combined. Sigh.

Sucks that this post isn't very amusing, I actually have really funny stories about getting into arguments with non English speaking people in other countries and all doing all sorts of idiotic antics in foreign hotels and how much the service everywhere sucked (oh god, did the service suck!) but I'm not in a great mental state right now and I just don't care to write them up.



armbrust said...

Im allways come back to see if you are still alive jay.
Btw, you can go to my blog and comment something disgusting there,lol.

Burdamania said...

1-2 and 2-4 games are too good, so just stick to 5-10 and up plzkthx