Friday, October 21, 2011

Having a nice month.

A session from today. 4 tabling 2 clown regs at 5-10, 2 tables each simultaneously. How do I run better? Anyone? Anyone???????


Sunday, October 16, 2011

This is a nice welcome back to poker.

How terrible this guy is, I cannot even begin to describe. Keep in mind, this is mostly (95%ish) at 5-10, with a little at 10-20.

The funny thing is, that doesn't even tell the whole story. The coolers, the insanity, the folding preflop every time I have any tier 1 hand. I am in some absurd twilight zone that is cruel and vengeful. I will probably have to sacrifice a virgin soon. Hope dudu isn't doing anything Wednesday night.


Friday, October 07, 2011

So I tinkered with the blog a bit...

A poll, a search option, our e-mail, and some banners. Wee?

So i haven't blogged for so long I don't even know where to begin. Or if I should even bother. Or what my purpose in life is anymore...

I guess the first thing I should do is recap from black friday till now. I'll try keep this short and colorful since no one likes to read a long boring blog about some guy in ny that likes to play poker once in a while. Why the hell do you even visit here? Yeah, I'm talking to you. The guy reading this right now. If you're a girl, send your pic. E-mail address is to the right.


It was ultimately decided that I ought to enjoy the NY summer before making any rash country moving, decisions. FTP owes me a lot of money.

Summer came and went, and I didn't even notice. I didn't even get a tan. 3up and I considered moving to mexico or canada (not so much) or Europe...but ultimately, as per our usual, no one did anything. Dudu was MIA trying to become a "live grinder" (plz ask him all about this, insert teehee emoticon). Moose is attached at the hip so his black friday response was to go fly his plane around a little more often. How I wish we could trade lives.

No one cares about phreezenet, vox or depeche so this is the only mention they will get.

September was eventfull. I went on a legendary (even for me) tear of debauchery and grotesque behavior. No fist fights by hospitals this year, however. I'm also lifting regularly and eating well. And I hope to resume training some form of martial art soon. Whether this actually happens, I think 3up is taking bets.

Poker wise, I have hardly played at all. But I'm sure you all knew that. I pursued an interesting, non poker related endeavour that ended it looks like it's back to getting hit n ran by fish and sitting around all day waiting for action. I'm pretty rusty and don't really know how to play poker maybe I can do the hit n running for a change. No, I'm not broke.

But 3up is. In fact, I think he's gone broke like 4 times in the last 2 months. How this kid wins at poker, I will never understand.

Dudu has recently come to his senses. After getting ganked by UB (tard) and then trying to become a live pro (tard) he's back to grinding random shit like sit n gos (tard). I don't even know. The kid is abnormal. He's beyond any help that I can provide as he just completely ignores any positive advice I offer.

Moose has been running so mega bad terrible (even worse than me) this year, that I think he's completely fed up. I think he just flys around New Jersey all day now looking for excuses not to crash his plane into Howard Lederer's house. He's been on a serious MIA.

I almost forgot. Kotton. I have absolutely no idea what this kid is doing.

Oh, GirahGate:

I'm sure most of you have read my summary on 4. Funny thing is, I wasn't even going to make any post about the situation...but then when I saw the information that was presented before my post, I knew I couldn't let shit stand like that. Dog was was trying to manipulate these kids to cover his shady actions and it was obvious (at least to me)...shit was not going to go down like that. Glad it worked out on a positive note.

Moose and I long suspected that Girah cheated in the challenge anyway. Impossible to get that kind of action in such a coincidental manner.

I'd write up a long AEJones book like post on the entire situation, but I think everything relevant has already been said.

Also, holla 1 time for beating people who can see my hole cards?

Some of those hands were amusing. Maybe I'll post them here at some point.

So. What now?

Pokerwise...who knows? VPNs, shedding the rust and bangin with regs for a dollar.

Lifewise...I think I may want to buy a new car.



Tuesday, October 04, 2011

For everyone who's been asking about cake skin that pays.

I added a banner to the right with all the other banners. Go sign up for intertops and play and earn me money. 33% Rakeback. Now stop E-mailing and skyping me.

For people who don't care about playing poker but only come here to read the drivel I write. I have been extremely life busy. I have not played much poker. I promise to make a real update or a series of updates sometime soon. Maybe even before 2012.